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Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
2012 Issue 7
A Molecularly Imprinting Sensor Based on Gate Controlled Electro-catalyzation
ZHANG Lian-Ming;LI Jian-Ping*;PAN Hong-Cheng
Chiral Separation of New Triazole Antifungal Active Compounds by Capillary Electrophoresis and Molecular Modeling Study of Chiral Recognition Mechanisms
LI Wu-Hong;ZHANG Xin-Rong;WU Si;TAN Guang-Guo;LIU Chao-Mei;ZHU Zhen-Yu;CHAI Yi-Feng*
Rapid Separation of Human Serum Proteins by Microchip Electrophoresis
XU Zhong-Qi*;LIU Hui-Qing
Three Dimensional Cultures of Liver Cancer Cell on a Poly(dimethyl siloxane)-Paper Hybrid Microfluidic Chip
ZHANG Qiong;ZHOU Xiao-Mian;YAN Wei;LIANG Guang-Tie;ZHANG Qi-Chao;LIU Da-Yu*
Development of Dual-Source(Glow Discharge/Laser Ablation & Ionization) Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
LI Ling-Feng;LI Wei-Feng;WANG Xiao-Hua;HANG Wei*;HUANG Ben-Li
Characterization of N-Glycosylation Status of Micro-level Glycoprotein Using Solid Phase Extraction Based Techniques
JIANG Jing1;2;3;HAN Huan-Huan1;3;MA Cheng1;3;WANG Ji-Feng1;3;YING Wan-Tao1;3;QIAN Xiao-Hong*1;3 1 2 3
Inhibitor Screening of Cathepsin B by Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
NIU Jun1;2;YU Qing3;SONG Feng-Rui1;LIU Zhi-Qiang1;LIU Shu-Ying*1;3 1 2 3
Preparation of Caffeine Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Application on Solid Phase Extraction
WEI Shou-Lian1;GUO Xiao-Jun1;2;WANG Hong-Wu*1;TIAN Yong-Xin1;YAN Zi-Jun1 1 2
Separation and Isotopic Measurement of Sr in Tooth Samples Using Selective Specific Resins
HE Mao-Yong*1;LU Hai2;JIN Zhang-Dong1;WANG Jun2 1 2
Determination of Dimethachlon in Tobacco by Time-resolved Fluorescence Immunoassay
LIU Yuan1;LIU Rong-Rong1;Liu Xian-Jin1;Fang Dun-Huang2;Song Cun-Man2; HUOVINEN Tuomas3;VEHNIANEN Markus3;LOVGREN Timo3 1 2 3
Optimization of Ion Trap Array Mass Analyzer by Computer Simulation
LUO Chan;DING Chuan-Fan*
Identification of Middle East Crude Oil Using Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
LIU Xiao-Xing*;WANG Yi;WANG Yan-Li;GONG Wei-Min
An Novel Enzyme Fluorescence Capillary Analysis for Determination of Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity in Micro-volume Serums
LI Qiao-Jing1;LI Yong-Sheng*1;ZHOU Lang1;YANG Wei1;GAO Xiu-Feng*2 1 2
Xenon Responding Analyzed by Using Micro-Thermal Conductivity Detector for Gas Chromatography
LIU Shu-Jiang*;CHEN Zhan-Ying;CHANG Yin-Zhong;WANG Shi-Lian;LI Qi;FAN Yuan-Qing
Bioanalytical Applications of Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Thiamethoxam and Establishment of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Aaasy Detection Method
LI Guang-Ling;WANG Zi-Liang;Li Jin-Li;Xiao Na-Na;ZHAO Ya-Juan;CHEN Xi-Ling*
Determination of Sulfadiazine Residues in Pork by Molecular Imprinted Column Coupling with High Performance Liquid Chromatography
HUANG Yun-Hong 1;2;XU Yang*1;DU Bi-Bai1;HE Qing-Hua 1;CAO Yu-Sheng 1 1 2
Analysis of Gas Phase Components in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke with Synchrotron Radiation Photoionization Mass Spectrometry
WANG Jian1;2;WENG Jun-Jie2;JIA Liang-Yuan2;PAN Yang*2 1 2
Rapid Determination of Illegally Added Phonphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors in Health Food by Desorption Corona Beam Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
WU Shuang1;WANG Hua1;ZHU Hui-Guo1;ZHAO Yong1; TIAN Qing-Qing1;SUN Wen-Jian2;DING Li2;CHEN Bo*1 1 2 Company;Ltd.;Shanghai 201201;China)
Recent Advancement of Chemical Derivatization and Its Applications to High Sensitive Analysis of Peptide in Mass Spectrometry
QIAO Xiao-Qiang*1;2;WANG Rui1;ZHANG Li-Hua2;YANG Geng-Liang1;ZHANG Yu-Kui2 1 2