Study on RPS27L gene as a marker of radiation damage
LI Xiaoxin;HU Jiangwei;ZHANG Xueqing;SHEN Liping;LI Lin;CHANG Cheng;WANG Zhidong;CHEN Ying;Medical University of Anhui;Institute of Radiation Medicine;Academy of Military Medical Sciences;The 307th Hospital of PLA;
High-yield glutamic acid strain screened by heavy ion irradiation
MIAO Jianshun;CAO Guozhen;ZHANG Miaomiao;ZHANG Wende;YANG Jianshe;LI Wenjian;LU Dong;College of Life Science;Northwest Normal University;Institute of Modern Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Microbial Resources Exploition and Application;Gansu Ronghua Industry Group Co.;Ltd.;