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Corrosion and Protection
2015 Issue 3
Progress in Prediction of CO2 Corrosion Rate Affected by Oil in Gathering Pipelines
CHENG Yuan-peng;LI Zi-li;BI Hai-sheng;GUO Bai-he;BAI Yu;College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering;China University of Petroleum;College of Petroleum Engineering;Yangtze University;
fu shi yu fang hu yue gao
Effects of Alternating Stray Current on Corrosion Behavior of X80 Pipeline Steel
LIU Cheng;GUO Yan-bao;WANG De-guo;LIU Shu-hai;College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering;China University of Petroleum;
Control Value of Corrosion Rate for Tubing and Casing of Injection-production Well in CO2 Flooding Oilfield
WANG Shi-jie;Oil Production Research Institute;Shengli Oilfield;Sinopec;
Influence of AC Stray Current on AC Interference Voltage of Pipeline
BAO Yuan-fei;LI Zi-li;XU Tian;WANG Ji-qing;China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau;China University of Petroleum;Huadong Design Branch;China Petroleum Engineer & Construction Corporation;
Effect of Temperature on Electrochemical Corrosion of Internal Injection Pipe in an Oil Field
XU Shi-qi;Petroleum Engineering College of Xi′An Petroleum University;
Corrosion Failure Reason of Transport Pipeline on Offshore Platform
MA Xiao-yong;YANG Ming;LONG Yun;ZHAO Da-wei;CHEN Chao;YANG Hao-jie;Shanghai Environmental Engineering Branch;CNOOC Energy Technology & Services-Oilfield Technology Services Co.;Ltd.;
Corrosion Detection and Evaluation of West to East Nature Gas Transmission Pipeline in Yakela Gas Field
ZHANG Jiang-jiang;ZHANG Zhi-hong;Northwest Oilfield Company;SINOPEC;
Corrosion Status Situation and Anti-corrosion Technology of Oil Gas Gathering and Distribution Pipelines in Tahe Oilfield
LI Zhan-kun;SUN Biao;WANG Xi-le;WANG Guo-rui;BAO Yin;SINOPEC Northwest Oilfiled Branch;Xinjiang Tianpu Oil & Gas Engineering Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Effect of Temperature on Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of CT80 Coiled Tubing Steel
REN Guo-qi;SHEN Yi;WANG Rong;WEI Jia;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Xi′an Shiyou University;Northwest Sales Company of China National Petroleum Corp;Wuhan Branch;
Progress in Research on Photo-cathodic Protection
ZHANG Jing;LIU Zheng;Guangxi Mining and Environmental Sciences Laboratory Center;Guilin University of Technology;College of Chemical and Biological Engineering;Guilin University of Technology;
Photogenerated Cathodic Protection Properties of CdSe-TiO2 Composite Material on 304 Stainless Steel
ZHANG Liang;WANG Xiu-tong;LI Hong;SUN Hao-fen;ZHUANG Nan;HOU Bao-rong;School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering;Qingdao Technological University;National Marine Corrosion Protection Engineering Research Center;Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Environmental and Safety Engineering;Qingdao University of Science & Technology;
Test and Change Law of the Service Parameters of Magnesium Sacrificial Anodes of Beijing Gas Pipelines
LI Xia-xi;DU Yan-xia;DUAN Wei;TANG De-zhi;WANG Qin-yu;CHU Da-jun;Beijing Gas Group Company Limited;Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
A Design Example of Deep Well Anode Bed
HU Ya-bo;ZHAO Jun;LI Jian-jun;PANG Xiao;PetroChina Pipeline Shenyang Longchang Pipeline Survey Centre;Pipeline Research Center of PetroChina;
Detection and Handing of Interference Between Regional Cathodic Protection and Line Cathodic Protection in a Typical Station
FANG Wei-lin;LI Zhen-jun;HONG Na;WU Si-xian;LIU Zhi-da;West Pipeline Company;PetroChina;
Repair and Prolonging Life Technology of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for Offshore Oil Platform
LIU Fu-guo;YIN Peng-fei;ZHANG Guo-qing;ZHANG Wei;HAN Bing;Offshore Oil Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Qingdao NCS Testing and Protection Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Protection of Alternating Current Interference to Cathodically Proteceded Pipelines under Power Transmission Lines
MAO Bin-hui;WANG Sheng-yan;HU Shi-xin;RUAN Jing-hong;Hangzhou Urban & Rural Construction Design Institute Co.;Ltd.;NACE Shanghai China Section;Beijing Safetech Pipeline Co.;Ltd.;
Analysis of Interference to Cathodic Protection of Shuanglan Pipeline Near to a Valve Station
WU Jian-wei;FANG Wei-lin;GAO Liang-ze;PetroChina West Pipeline Company;
Effect of the Cross Section Shape on the Performance of Sacrificial Anode
GAO Jia-wei;XING Lin-lin;TANG De-zhi;DU Yan-xia;YIN Zhi-biao;Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing Gas Group Company Limited;
Corrosion and Electrochemical Behavior of A508Ⅲ Low Alloy Steel in Boric Acid Solutions with Different Concentrations
XIAO Qian;L Zhan-peng;CHEN Jun-jie;XIA Xiao-feng;ZHOU Bang-xin;Institute of Materials Science;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai University;
In-situ Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Surface Film Formed on Nickel-based Alloys in High-temperature and High-pressure Water
WANG Feng;Thomas M.Devine;Division of Nuclear Materials and Fuel State Nuclear Power Research Institute;National Energy R&D Center of Nuclear Grade Zirconium Materials;Department of Material Science and Engineering University of California;
Analysis of Bump Defect of Hot-Dipped Galvalum and Process Optimization in Production
YUE Chong-feng;JIANG She-ming;WANG Yin-jun;LIU Xin;ZHANG Qi-fu;QU Xuan-hui;National Engineering Lab of Advanced Coating Technology for Materials;Central Iron&Steel Research Institute;School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Technology Center of Meishan Iron & Steel Co.;National Engineering Lab of Advanced Coating Technology for Materials;Central Iron & Steel Research Institute;