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Journal of Bionic Engineering
2005 Issue 2
Getting the Measure of Bionics
Julian Vincent
The Nature of Materials
Julian F. V. Vincent
Improved Cardiac Contractility of Human Recombinant Growth Hormone on the Congestive Heart Failure of Pig
Yang Ping;HE Yu-quan;Zeng Hong;NI Jin-song;Yun Qing-jun;Huang Xiao-ping;Li Shu-mei
Wear Resistance of 3Cr2W8V Rough Surfaces
Zhou Hong;Wang Wei;REN Lu-quan;Li Yue;Li Chen
Spectral Test Instrument for Color Vision Measurement
Balázs Vince Nagy;Gy(o)rgy (A)brahám
Properties and Application of Iron-based Shape Memory Alloy
LI Jian-chen;Jiang Qing;Dai Jun
Investigation of Micro-wear and Micro-friction Properties for Bionic Non-smooth Concave Components
HAN Zhi-wu;XU Xiao-xia;Qiu Zhao-mei;REN Lu-quan