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Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
2012 Issue 6
Evaluation Of The Concrete Sulfate Corroslon Accelerated Testing System
qiao hong xia ; xiang mei ling ; he zhong mao ; feng qiong ; he hai jie
The Mix Proportion Design and Experiment for Steel Fiber Reinforced Recycled Concrete
yin shi qin ; qu feng ; jiang ling yun ; zuo jia li ; zhang pan
The Capability of Long Term Corrosion-Resistance of Ⅱ Fly Ash High Performance Concrete
Alim · Sulayman;TANG Xin-jun;LI Fang-yuan;Zhou Yang
Study on the Property of C40 Concrete containing Pottery Sand
li tong chuan
Preparation Method Research on Superfine Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Power
yu shi zhong ; shi qing an ; cao dong ; li jing jing ; wang xue ; lu wen xiong
Experimental Study on Silica Fume Fly Ash Concrete Early Strength
Ding Peng;Yang Jian-hui;Li Yan-fei;Xiong Zheng-zhuan
The Disposal of Iron Tailings and its Advancement of Utilization as Resource
li jing jing ; ding yi min ; lu wen xiong ; wang xue ; shi qing an ; yu zhi zhong
Application Study of regeneration of brick
xue yong ; yang xiao guang ; hao yong chi
Investigation on deep coal ash site
Chen Jing-he;Li Yun-di
Effects of Limestone Powder and Fly Ash on Concrete Strength and Durability
Hou Yun-fen;Huang Tian-yong
The Effect of Fly Ash on the Perormances of Sealing Materials of Coal Seam Gas
MA Jin-yuan;LI Chao;SONG Hui-ping;CHENG Fang-qin