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Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
2010 Issue 3
Application of Extraction of Alumina from High Aluminium Fly Ash
zhang yu sheng ; zhang wei
Effects of High Performance Mineral Admixtures for High Speed Railway on the Concrete Properties
zhou dong liang ; zhou wei ling ; lin zuo
Influence of Mineral Admixtures on the Characteristics of Steam Curing Hardened Cement Paste
zhao xing ying ; liu bao ju ; jiang nan ning
Effect of Technological Parameter on the Whiteness of Composite Fly Ash by Grey Relational Alalysis Method
wu cheng bao ; yang yu fen ; gai guo sheng ; zhao fu tao
Study on Control Measures of Cast-in-place Concrete Floor Cracks
zhang xue song ; wang wei guo
Research on Durability of Marine High Peformance Concrete in Northern Light Freezing Area
wang li gang ; shi hui sheng ; luo de long ; wang ying fei
The Research State of the Dynamic Prddem in Composite Foundation
zhao tuo ; wang jing
Implication of the Comprehensive Utilization of Fly Ash in Japan
li wen zuo ; zhu lin
xin xi dong tai
The Application Research of Slag Powder in Ready-mixed Concrete
wang yu ; liu fu zhan ; zhang yu
Applying of Embedded Autospasy T-Type Anchorage in Fixing External Scaffolding o High-rise Buildings
lin min ; deng xing guo ; chen qing hui