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Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization
2003 Issue 6
Discussion on Applications of Bottom Ash
shi yun liang ; qiu guan zhou ; chen chun
Cement Mixed with High Content Fly Ash
xu xian min
Study on the Simultaneous Determination of all-components of Fly Ash by ICP-AES
xie hua lin ; li ai yang ; wen hai chu
Discussion on Developoment of Fly Ash Ceramsite
du tie zhang
Property and Research Situation of LIFAC Desulferization Residue
zhang rui rong ; jia hai hong
Study on the Techincal of Concrete
liu zhen qing ; du ying ji ; liu da zhi ; jiang lin hua ; huang wei
Preparing Ceramic Mullite Material with Fly Ash
zhou zhong hua
Test on Prparing Sintered Fly Ash Ceramsite
tian wen tao
The Resistance to Cracking of Concrete with Additive at Early Age
zhang shu qing ; cai ji min ; wu xue li
Study on Classifying Fly Ash Ground by Coarse Fly Ash Drained Off from Huaneng Nanjing Power Plant
shen mang ting ; di jian ping ; lv peng ; fu xiao ru
Establishment of a Special Measure Strength Curve of Fly Ash Conerete Using Kick-back Way
wang su lan ; zhang guan yu ; tian kun ; yang yin ping
The effect of the Crack on the Aerocrete Surface on Structure Performance
zhu feng ming ; xu xin you ; you li mei ; li wen bin
The Design and Application of Fly Ash Gel Material System with Low Heat of Hydration
mao hai ying ; yin shun hu ; xu qiang
Study on the Distribution of Gallium in Fly Ash Powder
cai xu zuo ; yang gang bin ; li wei qing
Experiment on Preparing Masonry Cement Using Damp Fly Ash Activated by Calcium Carbide Slag
bai zhao jun ; zhang bing ; kong de qiang