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Journal of Yangtze Normal University
2006 Issue 1
On Semantic Redundancy and Evolution
LI Ming-long;MAO Yuan-ming
On English Teaching and the Introducing of Cultural Background
JIANG Mei-hong
A Reflection of Teacher Culture
YANG Xiao-ying
Regression of Educational Value--From Utilitarian to Humanity Perfection
ZHANG Xin;DU Xue-yuan
On the Influence of Taoism on The Flower in the Mirror
MA Ji-ping
The Influences of the Bible on Lao She's Works
Constructing a Service-type Government in New Chongqing
XIAO Lu-jun
Reform of System vs the Remolding of Man
LUO Mo-hong
On the Tragedy of Women in The Tale of Genji
On National Spirit
WU Rong-xian
Three Views of Modern Harmonious Thinking
WU Cong-zhong
On Yu Xin's Inferiority and Transcendency
ZHOU Xiao-ying