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Fujian Sports Science and Technology
2003 Issue 1
Application of the Weight of Matrix of Correlation Coefficient In Tealent Identification of Athletes
gong hai ; hong lv ; wu qing qing ; huang hong sheng
jia dong zuo zai san shou shi zhan zhong shi yong de tan tao
cheng yun wang
Yinyang philosophy of Sadowboxing
Liu Gang;Shen Guo-qing;Wang Hong
The Contrast Between Chinese Free Frighting And Tai - boxing
Lin Yang Dong
Survey on the Stability Factor in Routing Practice of Martial Arts
zhou zu bao ; chen yuan xin
Analysis on the Status of Physique of the Children in Fuzhou
qi li ping ; lin jian
A Study of the State of the Adults' Physique in Fuzhou
Cheng Jinghua;Huangli
fu zhou shi jian shen zhong xin nv xing jian shen xian zhuang diao cha yu fen xi
fang xi zuo ; huang chun xiang ; zhang ping
The Aesthetic Glamor of Football Games
hu xiao shan ; huang ying man
The Research of Physical Education in Ideology and Moral Character
Wang Zhen xin
Study on the Feasibility of Doing Eurhythmics During Break
Shen Yiping
The Value of Sprint in Physical Quality Elocution
Zhang Zhen-Feng;Dong Ya-Ling
The Preliminary Discussion On the Age Character of Sports Teaching Evaluation
Xi Changcheng;Chai Quanyi