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Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
2016 Issue 5
Epidemiology of Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1 in Laying Ducks and It′s Pathogenicity in Sheldrake Ducks of Different Ages
FU Guang-hua;FU Qiu-ling;HUANG Yu;CHENG Long-fei;CHEN Hong-mei;WAN Chun-he;SHI Shao-hua;CHEN Zhen;CHEN Cui-teng;LIN Jian-sheng;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine;Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Fujian Animal Diseases Control Technology Development Center;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Avian Diseases Control and Prevention;
Protease-producing Bacterium Isolated from Intestines of Anguilla anguilla
SONG Yong-kang;HUANG Wei;L Xin;REN Li-hua;Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology Research/Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Fujian Key Laboratory of Measurement of Agricultural;
Effect of Cutting Types and Leaf-retention on Rooting and Photosynthesis Propagating of Syzygium samarangense Cuttings
ZHANG Xue-qin;XIE Zhi-nan;LAI Rui-yun;ZHONG Zan-hua;LIN Jian-zhong;Fujian Institute of Subtropical Botany;FuJian lab of Subtropical plant Physiology and Biochemistry;
Effect of Vernalization Duration on Activity of Protective Enzymes and Content of Soluble Proteins in Leaves of Peas
YU Long-long;YUAN Xing-xing;SHAO Qi;CHEN Xin;CUI Xiao-yan;WANG Xue-jun;Institute of Vegetable Crops;Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences;College of Life Science;Nanjing Agricultural University;Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Area Along Yangtse of Jiangsu;
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP)Analysis of the Endopolygalacturonase Gene in Chinese Bayberry(Myrica rubra)
JIAO Yun;SHU Qiao-yun;LIU Zhu-qin;Institute of Forestry;Ningbo Academy of Agricultural Science;
Flowering Stages and Relationship Between Florescence and Pollen Development of Clivia miniata
GAO Wei;College of Horticulture;Changchun University;
Effect of Osmotic Pressureon Growth and Polysaccharide Accumulation of Dendrobium Candidum Protocorms on Culture Medium
SU Jiang;School of Chemistry and Bioengineering;Hechi University;
Effect of Arthropod Community Structure In Transgenic Hybrid Poplar 741
YAO Li;GAO Bao-jia;College of moden Agricultural;Agricultural University for Science & Tenchnology Chengdu;College of Forest;Agricultural University of Hebei;
Effect of UV-B on Growth of Ectropis oblqua Larvae
ZHANG Hui;LI Hui-ling;WANG Ding-feng;LI Liang-de;WANG Qing-sen;ZENG Ming-sen;WU Guang-yuan;Tea Research Institute;Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Effect of Fertilizations on Soil and Leaf Stoichiometry of Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis
LI Tao-zhen;TAN Zhang-qiang;TAO Shi-hong;CHEN Xin;WANG Ling-hui;LI Ru;College of Forestry;Guangxi University;Guangxi Academy of Forestry;
Spatial Variability of Water Content in Soil Covered Under Different Vegetations in Guilin,Guangxi
PENG Yang-Jian;GAN Lei;MA Rui;ZHANG Jing-ju;TAO Huan-zhuang;ZHANG Zhong-bin;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Control Theory and Technology;Guilin University of Technology;Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center for Water Pollution Control and Water Safety in Karst Area;Guilin University of Technology;State Key Lab of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture;Institute of Soil Science;
Microbial Communities of Three Low-temperature Resistant Microflora from Animal Waste
CHEN Hong;NIE Yi-lei;LUO Li-jing;JIA Wei;CHEN Xing-wei;Fujian Institute of Microbiology/Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Screening for Novel Microbial Products;
Hot-water Extraction of Polysaccharides fromChlorella pyrenoidosa with Cellulase
CHEN Yi-xuan;LIU Xiao-yan;WU Lin-xiu;LUO Hong-jian;LIU Bin;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;College of Food Science;
Flavor and Amino Acids of Brewed White Teas
ZHANG Dan-dan;YE Xiao-hui;ZHAO Feng;WANG Dan-hong;WEI Sai-ming;ZHENG De-yong;YE Nai-xing;College of Horticulture;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University/Key Laboratory of Tea Science in Universities of Fujian Province;Fujian Tea Import & Export Company Limited;Technology Center of Inspection and Quarantine;Fujian EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;College of Materials Engineering Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
Purification and Anti-xanthine-oxidase Activity of Polyphenols fromPrunus salicina Lindl
LI Yi-bin;LAI Pu-fu;CHEN Jun-chen;WU Li;TANG Bao-sha;WENG Min-jie;Research Institute of Agri-Engineering and Technology;Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Agricultural Products Processing Technology Research Centre;Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Rheological Property of Pastes Made from Xanthan of Xanthomonas axonopodis and Konjac Gum Mixtures
ZHENG Mei-xia;ZHU Yu-jing;LIU Bo;HUANG Su-fang;CHEN Zheng;GE Ci-bin;ZHANG Lian-bao;Agricultural Bio-resources Research Institute;Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;School of Life Sciences;Xiamen University;
Multi-microorganisms for Cornstalk Biodegradation
YIN Shuang;WANG Xiu-jun;MA Gui-ying;LIU Jia-hui;TIAN Duo;WANG Ji-hui;YANG Zhi-bo;Wine and Food Engineering;Guizhou University;Key Laboratory of Fermentation Engineering and Biological Pharmaceutical;Guizhou University;
Advances in Insect Olfactory Mechanism
ZHANG Yu;ZHANG Sheng-nan;ZHANG Yuan-yuan;LIU Zhi-tao;SUN Zhao-hui;WEN Xiu-jun;College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture;South China Agricultural University;
Recent Progress on the Variation of Blast Resistance and Cloning of the Resistance Genes in Rice
LIU Hai-tao;XU Qian;HE Wei;WEI Lin-yan;ZHANG Jian-fu;XIE Hua-an;Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University;Rice Research Institute;Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Key Laboratory of Germplasm Innovation and Molecular Breeding of Hybrid Rice for South China;Ministry of Agriculture;Fuzhou branch/National Rice Improvement Center of China;Fujian Engineering Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding/Incubator of National key Laboratory of Crops Germplasm Innovation and Molecular Breeding Between Fujian and Ministry of Science and Technology/South China Base of National Key Laboratory of Hybrid rice for China/National Engineering Laboratory of Rice of China;
fu jian nong ye xue bao gao yue