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Fujian Fruits
2016 Issue 3
Analysis of Effects and Enrichment of Cd Stress on Thiol Peptide Protein Content of 15 Wild Vegetables
WANG Si-mian;,CHEN Yong-kuai;,WANG Song-liang;,LEI Jin-gui;,CAI Shu-fang;
The Fruit Quality Analysis among Chinese Sweet Olive in Minhou Area
YAN Yi-nan;,ZHAO Jin-xing;,QIU Zhi-hao;,SHE Wen-qin;
Preliminary Effects of Herbicides on Bulblet After-ripening of Tissue-cultured Plantlets of Oriental Hybrid Lily
CAI Xuan-Mei;,GUO Wen-Jie;,ZHANG Jie;,FANG Shao-Zhong;
Breeding of New Strawberry Cultivar ‘ Fumei No.2’
CHEN Xian;,HUA Xiu-feng;,ZHU Hai-sheng;,CHEN Ai-hua;
Cytological Observation of Pollen Microsporogenesis in Male Sterile Peach cv.‘ Muyangshuimi’
ZHOU Ping;,GUO Rui;,YANG Lin;,LIAO Ru-yu;,YAN Shao-bin;,JIN Guang;
Field Control Effect Test of Six Fungicides on Peach Brown Rot
WANG Xiang-qian;
Pot Cultivation Techniques of Honey Peach cv.‘ Yihong’
CHEN Wen-guang;,PAN Shao-lin;,WANG Xiao-an;
Cultivation Techniques of Netted Melon cv.‘ Tianxian’
CHEN He-jin;
Seedling Raising Technique of Papaya Using Facility
XIONG Yue-ming;,HUANG Xiong-feng;,WU Bao-yi;
Transformation andUpgrading of Fruit Industry in Fujian Province with Pomelo Industry in Pinghe County As an Example
LIN Yan-jin;,LU Yan-qing;,LIN Qi-hua;,CHEN Xiao-ming;,LU Xin-kun;
Development Situation and Suggestions of Chinese Traditional Medicine Plant Resources in Qingyuan City
WU Ying-xiang;,CAO Li-li;,PAN Yue-ming;,LI Yong-yu;
dong nan yuan yi zheng gao jian yue