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Fudan Journal(Social Sciences Edition)
2005 Issue 4
bai nian fu dan ren wu zhi
Ghosts'Festivals and the Theory of the Five Elements
GAO hong-xing
An Archaeological Exploration of the Origin of Paddy Agriculture
CHEN Chun;ZHENG Jian-Ming
Social Accountability8000 and the Right-Maintenance of Workers
QIAN Jian-xing;XIAO Wei
The Historical Status of Port Royal Logic
SHAO Qiang-jin
Another Interpretation of Zhuangzi's Utility of Futility
GAO Li-min
Modern Social Transition and the Mass Media Reform in China
ZHANG Tao-fu
The Assistants of the Publishing Sector in Chuang Zao She
XIAN Li-qiang
The Political Basis of the Harmonious Society
SANG Yu-cheng