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Fudan Journal(Social Sciences Edition)
2001 Issue 2
bao zheng duan an ben shi kao
yang xu rong
jin gu you yan ren wu kao
zhang jin yao
The Study of Literature of the Ming Dynasty in the 20th Century
huang ren sheng
The Criterion of Welfare for Environment Economics
hu han jun ; yu meng
Late-modernization Nations' Rational Strategy
li chun cheng
What Is "History"-On the Historical Dimension of Historical Materialism
ma yong jun ; xu fu lai ; liu zuo
Crime Committed by a Unit and Triple Punishment Principle
chen hao ran
zhu chi ren de hua
zhang pei heng ; chen si he
Chang Chih- tung and the Chinese Progress
zhang li qun
Song Shu and Post-Han Orthodox Confucianism
cao ning hua
The Revolution of Accountancy: A Leap from Material-centric to Human-centric
zhang wen xian ; shao qiang jin
Changes of and Reflections on the Definition of Money
hu hai ou
Efficient Market Hypothesis and Information Disclosure System in China's Security Market
liu hong zhong ; zuo bin ; huang xiao gang
A Study of Vattimo's Postmodern Aesthetic Thoughts
bao ya ming