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Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering
2014 Issue 6
Research on Impact Resistance Performance of New-style Debris Flow-resisting Dams with Braces Based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA
WANG Xiu-li;LI Jun-jie;LV Zhi-gang;School of Civil Engineering;Lanzhou University of Technology;Western Center of Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education;
Numerical Simulation for Desorption and Seepage Rules of Coal-bed Mathane Considering Temperature Conditions
ZHANG Yong-li;ZHANG Le-le;MA Yu-lin;WANG Jin-tong;School of Mechanics and Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;
Study on Dynamic Contact Properties of Soil-subway Underground Structure Interaction System
ZHUANG Hai-yang;WU Bin;CHEN Guo-xing;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;Civil Engineering & Earthquake Disaster Prevention Center of Jiangsu Province;
Study on Elastic-Plastic Seismic Response of Single-layer Cylindrical Reticulated Shell Supported by Circumjacent Steel Columns under Strong Earthquake
LIU Yun-tao;LI Hai-wang;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;
A Study on Distributed Measurement of PHC Pile Deflection Based on BOTDA
TONG Heng-jin;SHI Bin;WEI Guang-qing;LI Zhong-yi;SUN Yi-jie;WANG Xing;The School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Nanjing University;Suzhou NanZee Sensing Technology Co.Ltd.;Wuhan Zhongdian Geotechnical Engineering Testing Co.Ltd.;
Slope Stability Analysis of High Embankment at Ba-quasi Heavy-load Railway
HUI Shu-qing;GENG Lin;LING Xian-zhang;LI Yu-fang;TIAN Shuang;DING Mao-ting;School of civil engineering;HIT;Shenhua Bao-Shen railway company;
Numerical Simulation of Steel Plate-Reinforced Concrete Composite Shear Wall
WANG Bin;JIANG Huan-jun;LV Xi-lin;Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction;Tongji University;State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering;Tongji University;
Numerical Study on Seismic Behavior of High Strength Concrete Columns Retrofitted with CFRP Sheets
WANG Su-yan;CAO Huai-chao;XU Zhen-qing;Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Liaoning Electric Power Survey and Design Institute;
Research on Bridge Damage Detection Based on Operational Environment and Lifting Wavelet Transform
SUN Zeng-shou;ZHANG Yao;WANG Xi-dong;School of Civil Engineering;Zhengzhou University;College of Civil Engineering;Tongji University;
Influence of Shallow-buried Subway Excavation on Urban Pavement Structure
WANG Shi-chuan;LI Yun-feng;SHAO Yan;CHENG Hua;School of Civil Engineering;Anhui Jianzhu University;
Analysis of Seepage Safety of Dam without Foundation Pit during Reservoir Water Drawdown
CHEN Yong;TANG Yong-quan;China Three Gorges University;China Gezhouba Group No.1Engineering Co.Ltd;
Analysis of Piles under H-M-T Combined Loading in Offshore Complex Environment
ZOU Xin-jun;XU Dong-bin;WANG Ya-xiong;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Hunan University;
Risk Analysis and Handling of Shield Construction in Watered Sandy Stratum from Large Volume Data
LU Zhan-hai;WANG Fei-long;Changsha Central South University Construction Supervision Co.Ltd.;
Determination Method of Critical Slip Surface Based on PSO Algorithm
HUANG Xiao-feng;SHI Chong;ZHU Zhen-de;WANG Sheng-nian;Zhang Ren-cheng;Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Embankment;Institute of Geotechnical Research;Hohai University;
Study on Creep Characteristics of Q2 Loess of Xianyang Area in the Guanzhong Basin
TANG Hao;DANG Qi;DUAN Zhao;ZHAO Fa-suo;SONG Fei;College of Geology Engineering and Geomatics;Chang′an University;School of Geology and Environment;Xi′an University of Science and Technology;Institute of Geological Engineering;Chang′an University;
Study on a Method for Calculating the Stresses of Concrete Dam Upstream Vertical Cracks Extending Based on Fracture Mechanics and FEM
MAO Hai-tao;WANG Xiao-ju;ZHANG Xue-lin;JIANG Hai-bo;Department of Civil Engineering;College of Chongqing Three Gorges;College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering of Shihezi University;
Research on Anchoring and Monitoring Technology Applied to Loose and Fractured Rock Mass
WANG Qing-biao;ZHANG Cong;WANG Hui;ZHANG Ke;LIU Zheng-yin;SHI Zhen-yue;WEN Xiao-kang;SUN Yan-qing;QI Yin-shan;Department of Resource and Civil Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Shandong Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute;Shandong Hualian Mining Holdings Co.Ltd.;
The Application of Emergency Communication Technology Based on Wireless Mesh Network Technology
FU Rong-guo;XIAO Fei;Earthquake Administration of Jiangsu Province;
Seismic Damage Features of Reservoir Earth-rock Dams in Deyang City during the Wenchuan Great Earthquake
MAO Jin;CHEN Guo-xing;WANG Zhi-hua;SI Ming-jing;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;Civil Engineering & Earthquake Disaster Prevention Center of Jiangsu Province;
zhi xie 2014 nian shen gao zhuan jia
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