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EDN China
2006 Issue 5
Low-power, super-regenerative receiver targets 433-MHzISM band
Cedric M é lange;Johan Bauwelinck;Jan Vandewege
Use a PWM fan controller in an EMI-susceptible circuit
Dimitri Danyuk
Overview of 2006 China semiconductor industry development
edn china bian ji bu
2006 vision on DTV standards and technologies
zhou zuo
CES stars: tough to find in mediocre year
Maury Wright
Power management should not be limited in chip-level
cong qiu bo
OPC tools make strides in DFM
jia ting ying yuan lcos xian shi ji shu ping ce
Raymond Soneira
Web Exclusives
cadence she ji xi tong gong si
Class D audio amplifier evaluation and application
meng xiang hao
Scopes: more than meets the eye
Dan Strassberg
Michael Santarini
Linux joins the consumer-electronics revolution
Warren Webb