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Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
2001 Issue 4
The Proof of Upper Bounds of Effective Free Distance for Turbo Code
chen xian guang ; wang jin
A New Way to Secue Communication via Chaotic Syncronization
yin yuan zhao
Traffic Prediction and Its Application Using FARIMA Models
liu jia ; jin zhi gang ; xue fei ; shu yan tai
Theory of Ternary Dynamic and Static Generalized Sequential Machine
fang zhen xian ; xu wei jie
Light Scattering from a Diffuse Target in the Turbulent Atmosphere
guo li xin ; wu zhen sen ; zhang min
An Autofocus Algorithm for SAR Based on RELAX
zheng yi ming ; bao zuo
The Relationship between R-D Algorithm and Signal Frequency Width in the SAR Processing
lin you quan ; ni jin zuo ; zhang guang yi
A New Method of Cross-Range Scaling of Low Resolution Radar.
jiang zheng lin ; bao zuo
The Grating Lobe hnduced by the Coupling of Range and Direction in SIAR and its Elimination
zhao yong bo ; liu mao cang ; zhang shou hong
Accurate Regiou Detection of High-Speed Multi-Target Visual System
zhang wen tao ; li xiao feng ; li zai ming
A Class of Approaches for Blind Source Separation Based on Multivariate Density Estination
he zhen ya ; yang lv xi ; liu zuo ; lu zi zuo ; he chen
Beamforming in the Environments of High SNR and Large Steeriug Error
gao yong ; xiao xian ci
An Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network for Identification of the Complicated Noulinear System
li ying ; bai ben du ; jiao li cheng
A Method of HMM Speech Recognition Introduced Inter-Frame Correlation
zhao li ; zou cai rong ; wu zhen yang
ID-Based Interactive User Authentication Schemes Using Digital Signature
tang shao hua ; wei gang