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Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
2013 Issue 2
Research on wind-induced responses of a large-scale membrane structure
Zhou Xuanyi 1;Han Zhihui 2;Gu Ming 1§;Zhang An-an 3*;Zhang Weiyu 4* and Fang Wei 4* 1. State key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China 2. Shanghai Institute of Meteorological Science;Shanghai 200030;China 3. Shanghai World Expo Land Holding Co. Ltd;Shanghai 200125;China 4. East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd;Shanghai 200002;China
Nonlinear performance of classical damping
Shuenn-Yih Chang Department of Civil Engineering;Taipei University of Technology;NTUT Box 2653;Taipei 106-08;Chinese Taipei
Instructions for authors
Field testing of stiffened deep cement mixing piles under lateral cyclic loading
Werasak Raongjant and Meng Jing Department of Civil Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Rajamangala University of Technology;Thanyaburi 12110;Thailand
Seismic performance analysis and design suggestion for frame buildings with cast-in-place staircases
Feng Yuan;Wu Xiaobin;Xiong Yaoqing;Li Congchun § and Yang Wen § China Southwest Architecture Design & Research Institute Co.;Ltd;Chengdu 610041;China
Development of seismic fragility curves for low-rise masonry infilled reinforced concrete buildings by a coefficient-based method
Ray Kai Leung Su and Chien-Liang Lee Department of Civil Engineering;The University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
New lumped-mass-stick model based on modal characteristics of structures: development and application to a nuclear containment building
Hwasung Roh 1;Huseok Lee 2 and Jong Seh Lee 2§ 1. Department of Civil Engineering;Chonbuk National University;Jeonju;Jeollabuk-do 561-756;South Korea 2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Hanyang University;Ansan;Gyeonggi-do 426-791;South Korea
High frequency S wave envelope synthesis using a multiple non-isotropic scattering model: application to aftershocks from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Lin Gao 1;2;Jing Yueling 1;2 and Li Jianbo 1;2§ 1. The State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China 2. Earthquake Engineering Research Division;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Dominant pulse simulation of near fault ground motions
S.R. Hoseini Vaez 1;M.K. Sharbatdar 2;G. Ghodrati Amiri 3;H. Naderpour 2 and A. Kheyroddin 2 1. Department of Civil Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;University of Qom;Qom;Iran 2. Faculty of Civil Engineering;Semnan University;Semnan;Iran 3. Center of Excellence for Fundamental Studies in Structural Engineering;School of Civil Engineering;Iran University of Science and Technology;Iran
Statistical determination of significant curved I-girder bridge seismic response parameters
Junwon Seo Department of Civil;Construction & Environmental Engineering;Iowa State University;Ames;IA 50011;USA
A prediction model for horizontal run-out distance of landslides triggered by Wenchuan earthquake
Yang Changwei 2;Zhang Jianjing 1;2 and Zhang Ming 3§ 1. Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering;Ministry of Education 2. Department of Civil Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Chengdu 610031;China 3. Zhengzhou Zhonghe Geotechnical Engineering Co.;LTD;Zhengzhou;China
Bridge pier failure probabilities under combined hazard effects of scour, truck and earthquake. Part Ⅱ: failure probabilities
Zach Liang 1 and George C. Lee 2 1. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;Unidersity at Buffalo;Buffalo;NY 14260;USA 2. Depart of Civil;Structural and Environmental Engineering;University at Buffalo;Buffalo;NY 14260;USA
Analysis on residual strain of Zipingpu Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam after Wenchuan earthquake
Liu Zhenping and Chi Shichun Institute of Earthquake Engineering;School of Hydraulic Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Bridge pier failure probabilities under combined hazard effects of scour, truck and earthquake. Part Ⅰ: occurrence probabilities
Zach Liang 1 and George C. Lee 2 1. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;Unidersity at Buffalo;Buffalo;NY 14260;USA 2. Depart of Civil;Structural and Environmental Engineering;University at Buffalo;Buffalo;NY 14260;USA
From the editors
xiaozhai qi;george c. lee;
Site response in the Qionghai Basin in the Wenchuan earthquake
Wang Haiyun;Xie Lili;Wang Suyang and Ye Peng Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration;Institute of Engineering Mechanics;China Earthquake Administration;Harbin 150080;China
Calendar of events
Site effects by generalized inversion technique using strong motion recordings of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Ren Yefei 1;Wen Ruizhi 1;Hiroaki Yamanaka 2 and Toshihide Kashima 3 1. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration;Institute of Engineering Mechanics;China Earthquake Administration;Harbin 150080;China 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology;Tokyo 226-8502;Japan 3. Building Research Institute;Tsukuba 305-0802;Japan