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Electronic Engineer
2013 Issue 3
guo nei wai she jiao wang luo yin si bao hu yan jiu de diao cha ji fen xi
Zhu Wei;School of Information Management;Nanjing University;
ying yu kou yu ji kao ping fen xi tong zhong yu zhong shi bie fang fa
Wang Wendi;Liu Jiangang;Cao Lei;Dong Jing;Jiang Hao;Teaching Affairs Office;Southeast University;School of Foreign Languages;Southeast University;Post-graduate Administration Office;Southeast University;School of Computer Science and Engineering;Southeast University;
ji yu stm32f103r6 de zhi xiang bao zhuang rong qi kang ya ce shi yi de she ji
Ning Fan;Guo Libin;Department of Information Science and Electronic;Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College;Hangzhou Pnshar Technology Co.Ltd;
qq qun zai tao lun shi xue xi zhong de ying yong
Shayifujiamali·Siti;College of Educational Technology;Northwest Normal University;
ji yu yu ce ji zhi de kang gan rao pin pu jue ce suan fa
Zhang Chunhua;Tang Jun;Yangzhou Baojun Electronic CO.LTD.;China Electronics Technology Group;Yangzhou Branch Representative of Nanjing Military Representative Bureau of the Chinese General Military Equipment Headquarters;
ji yu mtosi jie kou de chuan shu zong he wang guan xi tong fen xi he she ji
Zhang Yin;Tang Yizhe;China Unicom Zhejiang Branch;State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation;
wu xian chuan gan qi wang luo leach xie yi de gai jin yu fang zhen
Huang Xuyi;Xu Qingqiang;The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;
yan hai xiao qu yu lian he mu biao shi bie fang fa ji xi tong de yan jiu
Liu Yan;Tian Zhenxing;The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;
ji yu pro/e de biconilog tian xian zhi jia she ji
Zhang Jingjing;Xu Qian;Li Peng;Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Nanjing College of Information Technology;
yi zhong wu xian chong dian xi tong de she ji
Ni Guoqi;Wang Lina;Peng Xin;School of Information and Communication Engineering;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;The 2rd Department;Air Force Airborne Force Academy;
ji yu system generator de ka er man lv bo qi shi xian
Li Lizao;School of Electronic Information;Nanjing College of Information Technology;
ji yu fpga de gao su shu zi gu zhang lu bo yi de she ji
Zou Chunqin;Gao Gongxian;Xu Ruiya;Department of Electronic Information;Nanjing College of Information Technology;
she hui xin xi hua de gai lv quan shu ce du mo xing ji ying yong
Hou Baozhu;Feng Juxiang;He Lingmin;Qin Min;School of Public Management;Yan’an University;
ji yu qt de ye pian yan se rgb zhua qu qi de she ji yu shi xian
Wu Yan;Zhang Li;College of Computer and Information;Xinjiang Agricultural University;
yi zhong ji yu gbdt suan fa de yu yin mo xing ju lei fang fa
Zhang Yuanping;Wang Dandan;Department of EEIS;University of Science and Technology of China;Department of Computer;Anhui Occupational College of City Management;
gao zhi yuan xiao shuang shi xing jiao shi xian zhuang diao cha yu fen xi
Song Jin;Wei Jin;Sun Jianbo;School of Communication;Nanjing College of Information Technology;Research Institute of Occupation Education;Jiangsu University of Technology;
kang gan rao chao sheng bo qi ti jian lou yi she ji
Xia Yuanfei;Li Xueyuan;The First Aeronautical College of Air Force;
yi zhong xin xing re shi dian hong wai gan ying chong chuang an quan bao hu qi she ji
Wei Bin;Jianghai Polytechnic College;