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Electronic Engineering & Product World
2008 Issue 9
Mobile Internet Leads Change of Semiconductor Industry
yu yin hu
di wang xue zong heng tan ( er ) di wang xue de you lai
ye zhong ling
The Structure of the Auto Short Connector
leng yong ; ge xiong hao ; lu zhou xing ; zhang bo
LabVIEW Fitting for Multi-Core Times
zhou bin
The Design of Electronic and Mechanical Anti-theft Lock Based on RF Technology
zhang yan bo ; zhang xing gan
Design of Data Acquisition System Based on LPC2378
xu zuo ; fu shao feng
The Application of Direct Digital Synthesis Technology In Railway Signaling System
zuo hong min ; xu yi ; chen guang shan
DSP Hardware Design and Implementation of PSDOCT Image Pre-Process System
li gang ; gao feng ; lin ling
Max Baron
How to Exquisitely Carwe 3G Network
li yong dong
Electronic Components for Automotive: A World In Evolution(Ⅰ)
Angela Rossoni
Update of Global Semianductor Market 2008
tao wang
Fax worlds
Technical Trends for 3G Telecom Chips
li jian
3G Times Based On Chips
zhong xing wei dian zi
Next-Generation PMIC with Switching PowerPath Management
Steve Knoth
Resigned For Tough Automotive Environment
Tony Armstrong
Introduction to LCD Driver and Trend
wang li
Fundamentals of Embedded Audio Processing(Part 2)
David Katz;Rick Gentile;Tomasz Lukasiak
Application-Specific High Speed Switches in Portable Designs
Jeff Ju;Gerald Johnston
The Design of Boosting RS485 Bus Communication Speed
xu long hui