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Electronic Engineering & Product World
2008 Issue 6
chan pin tui jie
From Toys to Machine-Robots Will Be Everywhere
xue zuo
hou hei xue zuo shi ( er )
zhong ling
Design of a Miniature Urine Analyzer Based on NXP LPC2148
ma teng ; you ying min ; wang zuo ; liu yong ; liao hai yang
ying te er tui dong duo he ji shu zai qian ru shi xi tong de ying yong
bao yi ping ; shen hai ; peng xiang yu
Designation of an Intelligence Trace-keeping Handcart
li yi ; lu ren yi ; wu tian
zou chu zai nan xi wang zai qian si chuan , xiong qi !
chen di na
Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ADCs(Ⅱ)
Scott D.Kulchycki
Depth Perception with FPGAs
Bart Borosky
Power-efficient Customisation for Volume Applications
Owen Bateman
The Design of GP-IB Interface Circuit Based on PCI Bus
li yong qiang ; bu nai hong
RF Digital Power Meters via USB Bus
li hua
Inductor Selection for Low Power Electronics
Tom Fowler
PowerPath Manager ICs Offer High Voltage Protection
Steve Knoth
Embedded Image Capture and Format Conversion Based on CMOS Image Sensor
yang li ; liu tie gen ; zhu jun chao ; liu li
The Design and Implementation of a High-Speed Data Acquisition system
zhang yan bo ; zhang xing gan
Low Power Data Acquisition System for Oil Well Based on nRF905
zhang li ; fu shi ping
Oscilloscope: the "Master" of Test and Measurement Industry
qiu xian lei
Brief Review on Worldwide Semiconductor Manufacture
tao wang
RFID: Waiting for Transform
li jian
Wireless Sensor Network Technology in Intelligent Transportation Systems
huang wu ling ; ai yun feng
Wireless Sensor Network Increases Mining Safety
zhou zhi yong
Intelligence Wireless Data Transmission Help PLC to Achieve Remote Control
guang zhou zhi yuan dian zi you xian gong si
Approaches to Decrease Power Consumption
ying jiu
ling huo de mcu jia gou shi xian chan pin de qing song sheng ji
hu yan zuo
xin xi