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Electronic Engineering & Product World
2004 Issue 3
True Analog Bandwidth and Influence of DSP
chen hong
General Electric Parameters Test System of Airplane Based on DAQ-2204
zhang xiao bin ; yao qing hua ; jing xiao qing
The Application of Virtual Software & Hardware Technology in the Satellite Test and Measurement
wang ying guan ; he yong meng ; chen wen tong
ran liao dian chi cheng shi ke che yong zheng che kong zhi qi
sun hong hang ; zhu yuan ; tian guang yu ; zhou wei bo
Fingerprint Identification System Design Based on DSP
chen zuo
The New Nonvolatile Memories
wang yun bo ; li dong ; guo dong yun
The Application of IXP1200 at Security and Broadband Fields
li fu lin ; li li xin ; xu kai yong ; tian yong
ye jie re dian
chang shang dong tai
cai gou ji shi
Universal USB for Windows
Greg Nalder
Research on Anti-interference of MCU
xu hui jun ; li ya fen ; wang pu
Glisten The 64-Bit Microprocessors
liang he qing
DSP Design's Challenge in SoC Times
cheng jun
How to Choose ARM CPU RTOS:μC/OS-Ⅱ, μCLinux or Linux
he xiao qing
8-bit MCU Based Embedded Internet Technology
pan zhuo jin
Deep rethinking about IT bubble
su guang ping
The development of military microelectronics in America
li nai he
Ten forecast for future technologies
Hard drive industry to recovery
hun he ji cheng ji shu zai dian yuan zhong de ying yong
wang zhao an ; yang xu ; chen qiao liang
Streaming Media Technology and its DSP Solution
zheng xiao long
The Design of a Digital Integrated Circuit Test System
lian hai tao ; zhang ke nong ; wang hong yu ; zhao yun peng ; chang yu fei
LED Operation
Michael Krickl
The application of Single Chip 2.4 GHz Transceiver nRF24E1
yu xiao lin ; zhang chong ; zhang bo ; deng chang jun
Using a SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter for Current Measurement in Motor Control Applications
cheng yue wu ;miroslav oljaca;justin mceldowney
Application of Fujitsu FFMC-16LX Series MCU
pan xiong ying ; xue ji kui ; wang xiang zhou