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Areal Research and Development
2002 Issue 1
Primary Study of Sustainable Trourism Development i n Di-qing
xiao you xing ; ming qing zhong ; li song zhi
zhong yao gao shi
Researches on the Countermeasures of Sustainable Developm ent of Henan Province
zhao shu mao ; zhao yong jiang ; xu ming jie
Primary Research on the Urbanization of Backward Regions
yu wan yuan
Discussing the Way of Urbanization in China
zhang er xun
Reformation of Land-supply of Small Rural Towns ——A Case Study of Chongqing
qiu dao chi ; liu ming zuo ; xue jun fei ; wei xin ; liao wan lin
Ways of Land Use in the Process of Urban Development in Ch ina
nian fu hua ; yao shi mou
A Brief Study on the Construction of City's Land Markets in West China
yang qing zuo ; wang xi tong
Prospect of Man-earth Relationship in Land-use
wang ai min ; liu jia lin ; zuo lei lei
On the Implementation of Famous-brand Strategy
xi rong ; li ya ping ; yan hong zhen
Strategic Location Theory and Its Development
hong kai rong