Effect of sulindac on improving autistic behaviors in rats
QIN Liyan;DAI Xufang;Chongqing Key Laboratory of Psychological Diagnosis and Educational Technology for Children with Special Needs;Department of Blood Transfusion;Southwest Hospital;Third Military Medical University;College of Education Science;Chongqing Normal University;
Soft tissue regeneration after implantation of two novel citric acid- based biodegradable materials in rats
SHAN Lianliang;TAO Tingjun;CHEN Yuhui;HUANG Dong;WU Weichi;BAI Xiaochun;SUN Dawei;Department of Hand and Foot Surgery;Central Hospital of Shengli Oil Field;Department of Plastic Surgery;General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command;Academy of Orthopedics of Guangdong Province;Department of Orthopedics;Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University;Department of Orthopedics and Microsurgery;Second Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital;