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Low Voltage Apparatus
2014 Issue 11
Overview About Arc Fault Detection Device Development
HUANG Wujie;,JI Huiyu;,LIU Jinyan;,ZHOU Jigang;
Research on Ultimate Impact Test Conditions of Particle Impact Noise Detection for Sealed Relay Based on Patran
AN Qi;,LI Wenjun;,LIANG Ansheng;,LIANG Huimin;,NIU Pengfei;
Research of Arc Fault Detection Based on Fast Independent Component Analysis Using Single Sensor
GAO Yanyan;,YANG Jianhong;,YANG Kai;,ZHANG Rencheng;
Research Progress in JTUIS Ultrasonic Imaging Nondestructive Testing System
PAN Xide;,SONG Wei;,YANG Ye;
Discussion on Structure Improvement of DW45 Air Circuit Breaker
ZHANG Lili;,ZHAO Peng;
Design of Thyristor Trigger System in Soft Starters Device
CHEN Weimeng;
Design and Analysis of Instantaneous Magnetic Release for DC Circuit Breaker
NIU Chunping;,PEI Jun;,YANG Zhuo;,ZHU Zhongjian;
A Survey on Research Methods of Wind Power Penetration Limit
WANG Juanjuan;,YIN Cheng;,ZHAO Wenlei;
Research on Grid Voltage Drop Detection of Photovoltaic Grid-Connected System during LVRT
MA Chengbin;,YANG Tao;,YANG Zhou;
Losses Analysis of Single Phase Full Bridge Grid-Connected Inverter
CHEN Weifan;,LIN Yanyun;,MAO Xingkui;,MENG Shengkai;,WANG Xiaobin;
Research on Harmonic Compensators for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters with Quasi Proportional Resonant Control
CHEN Hongsheng;,CHEN Qingqian;,DONG Xuzhu;,LI Jixia;,YANG Ping;
Research on Control Strategy of Shunt Active Power Filter in Parallel Operation
DENG Kai;,GUO Shaoqing;,ZHANG Chenyu;,ZHENG Jianyong;,ZHOU Fuju;
Testing Scheme of Reactive Power Compensation Performance for SVC, SVG
DING Liren;,LOU Xiang;,XU Qijin;,ZHU Jia;
Analysis of Arc Fault Detection and Protection Standard Comparison
BO Guanyong;,WANG Xiaoyu;,YU Shengcai;
Exploration on Reliability of Plant Grounding System
WANG Shaofeng;,ZHAO Xiufen;
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