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Low Voltage Apparatus
2012 Issue 8
Harmonic Current Detection Simulation Based on ip, iq Algorithm
ZHANG Qiang;YU Xin;LI Zhigang
Optimization Design of Linkage in Circuit Breaker
LIU Guojun;CHEN Jiacheng
Modeling of Micro-Grid and Simulation of Micro-Grid Paralleling Control
LI Minghui;LI Guoqing;WANG He;BAI Yangsen;ZHANG Yang
xin xi dong tai
Research on Double Closed Loop Control of Single Phase LCL Filter Grid-Connected Inverter
QIAN Ping;WANG Wenfa;YE Yinzhong
Design of Standard Power Distribution Automation Terminal Based on IEC 61850
SHI Wenjiang;FENG Songqi
Design of Automatic Surge Protective Device Thermal Stability Test Instrument Based on FPGA
PAN Xiang;CHEN Jian;LI Zhenhua;FU Zhengcai
Design and Performance Analysis of Grid-Connected PV Power Plant System at High-Latitude Area
QI Huaiqin;ZHAO Yiman;TAO Bairui;MIAO Fengjuan