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Low Voltage Apparatus
2009 Issue 15
Simulation and Design of Hall Effect Current Transformer
ZHOU Yingzi;SHAO Fushan;XU Wenliang
Study on Dynamic Simulation and Experiment for Intelligent AC Contactor
ZHENG Peng;ZHANG Guogang;SHI Lei;GENG Yingsan
Discussion on Some Problems of Switching Capacitor Type Contactor
CHEN Hong;WANG Shizhen;LI Peng
Research on Harmonic Detection of Low Voltage Shunt Active Power Filter
GAN Huijun;WANG Zhixin;ZHANG Huaqiang
Application of Energy Saving Technique for AC Contactor
LI Keqin;LIU Dongying
xin xi zhi chuang
Analysis on the EMC Tests\' Difference of Two Editions of GB 14048.2
ZHU Puda;YE Qiongyu
THW1 Series Intelligent Air Circuit Breaker
WANG Xingli;JIANG Xiaobo;CHEN Zhaojun;LI Peng;WANG Xuchuan
Design and Application of EtherNet/IP Communication Gateway
QI Hao;XI Peifeng;YANG Fan;YIN Jun
The Design of Communication Interface for Profibus-DP Slave Based on SPC3
YAO Sujuan;LUO Yanyan;LI Zhongxing
Testing of the ASIC System of Intelligent AC Contactor
YANG Zhe;YAo Jianjun;FENG Tao;BAI Haobo;DAI Pengcheng
High Precision Processing for the Data of the Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation Device Based on DSP
LI Huashi;ZHANG Bo;QIU Dongyuan;FU Yonghua