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Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering
2015 Issue 6
Development and Control of Underground Space in Urban Business District:A Case of Shanghai Hongqiao CBD
Peng Fangle;Li Jiachuan;Zhao Jingwei;Research Centre for Underground Space;Tongji University;Planning and Administration Division;Shanghai Hongqiao Business District Manage Committee;
Study on the Fully Coverage System of Urban Underground Space Regulatory Detailed Planning: a Case Study of Changzhou City
Tu Yongbo;Peng Fangle;Planning Division II;Changzhou City Planning and Design Institute;Research Center for Underground Space;Tongji University;
On and Off-Ramps Design for Urban Underground Road with Multi-Entrances and Exits
You Kesi;Yu Mingjian;Liu Yi;Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute Co.Ltd.;
A Micromechanical Model of Rotating Ellipsoid from Cluster of Fiber for Columnar Jointed Rocks
Yuan Baojun;Deng Ronggui;Yang Tao;Southwest Jiaotong University;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering;
Theoretical Calculation and Parameter Analysis of Physical Model of Water Flow and Heat Transfer in Fractured Rocks
Lu Wei;Qin Jing;Zhu Junchen;Engineering Design and Research Center;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Sanmen Nuclear Power Co.;Ltd;
Shear Wave Velocity Test Analysis for Variation of Site Soil Initiated by City Construction
Wang Jiaquan;Wang Yufan;Zhang Xingui;College of Civil and Architectural Engineering;Guangxi University of Science and Technology;Liuzhou Institute of Architectural Design;School of Civil and Architectural Engineering;Guangxi University;
Effect of Different Shapes of Wheat Straw on the Strength of Reinforced Shanghai Cohesive Soil
Li Chencai;Qu Jili;Liu Baoshi;Party Committee & President Office;University of Shanghai for ScineceandT echnology;School of Environment and Architecture;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;China Shipbuilding Industry Institute of the Engineering Investigation and Dsign Co.;Ltd.;
Study on Water and Earth Pressures of Clay Soil Based on the Channel Rate
Hu Wei;Wu Xiaofeng;Li Guangfan;College of Civil Engineering & Architecture;Hainan University;
Soil Arching Effect during Tunnel Excavation
Lu Dechun;Cao Shengtao;Zhang Bo;Du Xiuli;Liu Xiaofeng;Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education;Beijing University of Technology;The Military Deputy Office in SINOPEC;Beijing Yanshan Branch;
Influences of Dry Density and Stress on Suction State Characteristics of Undisturbed Unsaturated Loess
Chu Feng;Shao Shengjun;Chen Cunli;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Xi’an University of Technology;
Study on the Cracking Law of Nanyang Expansive Soil
Wang Weiwei;Li Wei;Yi Yuan;School of Civil and Architechure Engineering;Wuhan Polytechnic University;Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Impact of the Hydraulic Hysteresis of Soil on the Seepage Field in Embankment Dams during Initial Reservoir Filling
Chen Qun;Huang Jing;State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering;College of Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering;Sichuan University;Oxbridge College;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Effects of Bond Size on the Normal Contact Behavior of Two Bonded Particles
Liu Fang;Li Zhen;Jiang Mingjing;State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering;Tongji University;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;Tongji University;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering;
Experimental Study on the Pumpability of Wet Shotcrete
Yang Yunpeng;Ai Chunming;Sun Zhenming;Liu Shitong;Wang Hua;National Library of China;School of Civil and Enviromenta Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Training Center of China Aerospace Science &Industry Corporation;
Numerical Simulation on De-stressing with Horizontal Groove at the Two Sidewalls around Circular Underground Opening
Zhu Wancheng;Hou Chen;Liu Xige;Zhang Minsi;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines;Northeastern University;
The Determination Principle of Normal Spring Stiffness of Segment Joint Model for the Segmented Tunnel Lining
Dong Xinping;Zhu Bin;Department of Communication Engineering;Zhengzhou University;The Department of Shaolinshi-Xinxiang Expressway Administration;Office of Henan Province Transportation;
Similar Material Model Research on the Stope Stability at Cut and Fill Phase
Li Gang;Yang Zhiqiang;Gao Qian;Wang Jun;Ma Yingnan;State Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of China for High Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mine;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Shenkan Qinhuangdao Engineering & Technical Corporation MCC;Jinchuan Group Co.Ltd;
The Size,Shape and Bolting Effects of Coal Specimens
Guo Baohua;Si Kai;Guo Wenbing;School of Energy Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety of Henan Province;
Research on Bearing Behavior of Single T-Shaped Bidirectional Deep Soil-cement Mixing Column
Xi Peisheng;Liu Bo;Liu Songyu;School of Civil Engineering;Anhui Jianzhu University;State and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Structure Health Monitoring and Disaster Prevention;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Southeast University;
Inversion Analysis of Initial Seepage Field of Underground Water Seal Oil Storage Cavern
Ping Yang;Li Shuchen;Ma Tengfei;Li Yifan;Feng Bingyang;Technology Center of China State Construction Engrg Corp.Ltd;Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center;Shandong University;
Uplift Mechanism of Buried Pipe in Sand Ground Using DEM
Jiang Mingjing;Liao Zhaowen;Zhang Wangcheng;Wang Huaning;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;College of Civil Engineering;Tongji University;Key Laboratory of Geotechnical & Underground Engineering;Ministry of Education;Tongji University;School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics;Tongji University;
3D Finite Element Simulation for Special Type of Double-Row Piles Supporting Structure Relying on ABAQUS
Xu Shengcai;Fan Qiuyan;Cui Feng;College of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Guangxi University;College of Resources and Metallurgy;Guangxi University;Guangxi Foundation Investigation Engineering Co.;Ltd;
Influence of Traffic-loading Induced Principal Stress Rotation on the Characteristics of Soft Clay
Xiao Junhua;Hong Yingwei;Wu Nan;Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education;Tongji University;Communications Design Research Institute Co.Ltd.of Jiangxi Prov.;Kunshan Rail Transit lnvestment and Development Co.Ltd.;
Study on Damage Constitutive Model of Rock Considering Progressive Failure
Zhang Jiawei;Zhang Yangsong;Li Xiaozhao;Department of Civil Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Nanjing University;
Monitoring and Deformation Control of Shield Tunnel Undercrossing Historic Building
Xie Dongwu;Shanghai Geotechnical Engineering & Geology Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Research about the Effects of Shield Driving in Tunnel Construction on Surrounded Sensitive Buildings
Zhang Xuhui;Xing Yi;Yang Ping;Nanjing Railway Construction Co.Ltd.;Nanjing Forestry University;
Study on Large Deformation of Claystone and Support Stability in Qiaojiashan Tunnel
Wang Shuying;Yang Junsheng;Xiao Xiaowen;Zhou Haiying;Song Jian;School of Civil Engineering;Central South University;China Railway 18thBureau Group Co.;Ltd.;Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation;
Numerical Simulation Study on Ground Vibration Response Induced by Metro Shield Construction
Wang Xin;Han Xuan;Zhou Honglei;Lei Chonghong;BGI Engineering Consultants Ltd.;Beijing MRT Construction Administration Corporation;
Study on Support Pressure and Stability of the Tunnel Face by Finite Element Lower Bound Limit Method
Li Yanxiang;Jiang Gang;Wang Xudong;Research Center of Urban Underground Space;Nanjing University of Technology;Nanjing Metro Operation Company Limited;
Numerical Simulation on Mechanical Characteristics of Surrounding Rock of Gob-Side Entry Retaining
Wang Lei;Jiang Qi;Wang Yu;Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mine;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Research on the Vacuum Well-Point Dewatering and the Transport of Soil Particles in Silty Clay Ground
Nie Qingke;Wang Yinghui;Bai Bing;Jia Xiangxin;Wang Zongkui;Hebei Research Institute of Construction and Geotechnical Investigation Co.Ltd.;The Technology Center of Geotechnical Engineering of Hebei Province;School of Civil and Architecture Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Supporting Design and Deformation Control of Deep Excavation Adjacent to the Metro Side
Feng Longfei;Yang Xiaoping;Liu Tingjin;School of Civil Engineering and Transportation;South China University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science;
Monitoring and Analysis of Lateral Deformation of Retaining Wall of a Super-Large Deep Excavation
Wang Xujun;Gong Jian;Zhao Xihong;Department of Building Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai Construction Engineering Group;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;Tongji University;
Influence of Spatial Effect on Deformation of Retaining Structure during Foundation Excavation
Fu Libin;Song Meng;School of Civil Engineering;Huanghe S&T College;
Mechanical Characteristics of Retaining Piles with Circular Beams for Round Deep Foundation Pit in Sand-Cobble Soils
Zhang Jiaguo;Xiao Shiguo;Zou Li;Wu Xingxu;Yu Yong;School of Civil Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Chengdu Construction Engineering Science Research and Design Institute;Department of Geological Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;China Southwest Geotechnical Investigation Design Institute Co.;Ltd;
Analysis on Design Parameters and Economy of Soil Nailing Wall Influenced by Soil Strength
Lin Zhiqiang;Zhao Weibing;Lin Shengfa;Pang Jinglong;Wang Xuekui;Fujian Academy of Building Research;Fujian Key Laboratory of Green Building Technology;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;Fujian Provincial Institute of Architectural Design and Research;Guizhou Dam Safety Observation Centre;China Tianjing Port Engineering Institute Ltd;
Analysis of Micropile’s Slope Reinforcement and Determination of Rational Pile Spacing
Gu Shuancheng;Zhen Xicui;College of Architecture & Civil Engineering;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;
Sliding Mechanism and Monitoring Verification of the Soil between Micro Steel Tube Piles
Yao Aijun;Wang Cheng;Tian Zhizhou;Ning Fangduan;The Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering;Ministry of Education;Beijing University of Technology;
Research on Water Leakage Prevention and Control Techniques in Open-Cut Tunnel of High-Speed Railway in Rich Water Zone
Wang Jianming;Yang Qixin;Jiang Yajun;Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering;Ministry of Education;Southwest Jiaotong University;
Preliminary Study on Backfill Layout in Coal Mining under the Soil Slope
Wang Zihao;Zhang Xiuli;Wang Hao;Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering;
Geological Prediction Research in Tunnel Engineering Based on Karst Geological Model
Tan Xinrong;Chen Shougen;Wang Lei;Ma Hui;China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.Ltd;Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering;Ministry of Education;Southwest Jiaotong University;China Railway No.2 Engineering Group Co.Ltd.;
Stress Analysis of Oil Pipeline under Seismic Load Conditions
Shen Kunrong;Wu Jiali;Huang Kun;Applied Technique College;Southwest Petroleum University;School of Petroleum Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;