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University Education Science
2009 Issue 6
On TAO Xing-zhi\'s Transcendence over Dewey\'s Life Education Thoughts
zou xiao dong ; lv xu feng
Liberal Education: The Childlike Innocence of University
zhang jia
On the Teaching Reform of the Course Shadow and Perspective Drawing
wang zi ru ; huang hong wu
On 60 Years Reform of University Internal Management System in China
chen li peng ; yang yang
On the Faculty Construction of High Level University
jiang jian ming
gao yue
On Six——period System and Others
zhang li yong
gao deng jiao yu zhe xue jing zuo
jiang guo jun
The Way of University in the Era of Mass Higher Education
du zuo run
Shaping the Spirit of University
wang ji sheng
Some Considerations on Rural Intelligence Return
peng yong jun ; yin ke zhen
On the Characteristics of University Senate in Canada
huang rong ; lu jun
On the Core Quality of Higher Education
yang yi zuo ; xu wei zhong