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Low Temperature and Specialty Gases
2002 Issue 6
xin de bing xi yuan
Answer to Safety and Inspection of Cylinder(17)
sun ping hui
Determination of Impurities in Diborane by Low Temperature Gas Chromatography
yin en hua ; dong yu lian
Some Questions of Standard Gases Preparation
sun fu zuo
Research on Mini Vacuum Flask for An Apparatus Used in Petrol Well
wang ya fang ; sha rong jun
FEM with Calculus of Variation for Solving Sloshing in A Container
geng li yin ; li qing
Theoretical Analysis on The Thermodynamic Hysteresis Effect of Spring Gas in Pneumatically-Driven Stirling Cryocooler
zhang cun quan ; wu yi nong ; xu lie ; liu dong zuo
Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Verification of The Oxford Stirling Cryocooler
wu yi nong ; zhang cun quan ; liu dong zuo ; ji guo lin ; xu lie
Study On The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient For The Countercurrent Heat Exchanger Used In Mixed-Gases Coolers
gong mao qiong ; wu jian feng ; luo er cang ; qi yan feng ; hu qin guo ; zhou yuan
Progress in Absorbents for Producting N2 Used for Air Separation by PSA
chen yun zuo ; zhang yong chun ; guo jing hang ; song wei jie ; ma jun guo ; liu jian ming