Age and Growth of Acrossocheilus parallens in the Beijiang River
LAN Zhao-Jun;LI Qiang;ZHAO Jun;ZHONG Liang-Ming;Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environment Science in Guangdong Higher Education;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory for Healthy and Safe Aquaculture;College of Life Science;South China Normal University;Shaoguan Fisheries Research Institute;College of Life Science;Guangzhou University;
Investigation of Avian Influenza Viruses in Captive Wild Birds at East Dongting Lake
SHI Jing-Hong;GAO Li-Dong;ZHANG Hong;HU Shi-Xiong;HUANG Yue-Si;YANG Hao;BAI Zhi-Yong;YU Ming-Dong;LI Lin-Hui;HUANG Jian-Fei;YANG Jing;WANG Li-Jie;CHEN Tao;XU Cui-Ling;SHU Yue-Long;National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention;Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention;Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Yueyang City Centre for Disease Control and Prevention;Yueyang County Centre for Disease Control and Prevention;Junshan District Centre for Disease Control and Prevention;
Review on the Systematics of the Subfamily Mysopalacinae
SU Jun-Hu;Weihong JI;NAN Zhi-Biao;LIU Rong-Tang;WANG Jing;XU Chang-Lin;College of Grassland Science;Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecosystem;Sino-U. S. Centers for Grazing Land Ecosystem Sustainability;Gansu Agricultural University;Gansu Agricultural University-Massey University Research Centre for Grassland Biodiversity;Gansu Agricultural University;State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems;College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences;Massey University;College of Biological Engineering;Lanzhou Vocational Technology College;