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Power System Technology
2013 Issue 7
Power Flow Analysis of Power Grid Connected With Wind Farms Based on State Transition
Demand Planning of Electric Vehicle Battery Pack Under Battery Swapping Mode
GAO Ciwei;WU Xi;XUE Fei;LIU Hongchao
An Approach to Obtain Reference Sinusoidal Signal for Grid-Connected Inverter Without Phase-Locked Loop
YANG Yiyun;LIAO Bo;ZHOU Lin;CHAO Yang;SI Chuantao
Fault Identification of Converter Used in Wind Power Generation Based on Wavelet Packet Analysis
SHEN Yanxia;ZHOU Wenjing;JI Zhicheng;PAN Tinglong
A Linear Quadratic Regulator Based Control Strategy With Integral Control and State Feedback for Three-Phase Inverter
LU Mingke;JIE Guisheng;WANG Hengli;YANG Xidang;ZHU Wei;YANG Hua
Measurement and Analysis on Short-Circuit Current Shunt Coefficient Inside Substation
LI Qian;JIANG Yukuan;XIAO Leishi
Influence of Glaze on Corona Inception Voltage of Stranded Conductor
CHEN Ji;JIANG Xingliang;SHU Lichun;HU Jianlin;ZHANG Zhijin;ZHANG Man
Optimal Design of Internal Topology for High Power AC Offshore Wind Farms
SUN Junyang;ZHU Miao;GAO Qiang;CAI Xu
A Pattern and Method of Orderly Power Utilization Considering Transmission Loss Reduction and Congestion Elimination
ZHONG Haiwang;XIA Qing;HUANG Mei;LIN Zizhao;SHI Jun
Parameter Identification of Drive System for Fixed-Speed Wind Power Generation Units
PAN Xueping;GAO Yuan;JIN Yuqing;JU Ping
A Multi-Index Nonlinear Control Strategy for Governor of Kaplan Turbine
LUO Wuning;XIAO Ming;LI Xiaocong;LI Xuanxuan;KONG Fannie
Real-Time Simulation of UHVDC Cooperative Control Suitable to Large-Scale Wind Farms
ZHU Yiying;DONG Peng;XIE Guoping;LI Gengyin
Research and Development of New Wide Area Out-of-Step Control Technology for Power Systems
WANG Yingtao;TANG Yong;DING Lijie;ZHANG Chuankai;CHEN Zhen;HUANG Yuanchao
A Novel Protection Strategy for Sub-Modules of Modularized Multi-Level Converter
JING Huabing;NIAN Xiaohong
Low Voltage Ride-Through Control of High Power Inverter for Gird-Connection of Photovoltaic Generation
ZHOU Jinghua;LIU Jindong;CHEN Yaai;LI Jin
A Hysteresis Current Control Method With Neutral Point Potential Balancing Control for Vienna Rectifier
SONG Weizhang;HUANG Jun;ZHONG Yanru;WANG Lijuan
Dispatch Strategies of PV-Battery Microgrid in Different Scenarios
WANG Chengshan;HONG Bowen;GUO Li
A New Evaluation Method for Wind Power Curtailment Based on Analysis of System Regulation Capability
Lü Quan;WANG Wei;HAN Shui;YUAN Shun;ZHANG Jinzhu;LI Weidong
A Distributed Generation-Based Local Self-Recovery Scheme for Distribution Network at Post-Blackout Early Stage of Power Grid Restoration
XIE Xiahui;WANG Feng;LU Mingkai;CHEN Chun;CHEN Qipeng;CAO Yijia;DONG Xuzhu
Evaluation on Capacity Exchange Ability Between Large Regional Power Grids Based on Analysis of Improved Voltage Sensitivity
DONG Feifei;LIU Dichen;WU Jun;HUANG Yong;SONG Chunli;ZHAO Yijie;PAN Xudong
Power System Black-Start Analysis Based on 500 kV Power Grid
LU Huaidong;GUO Zhihong;WANG Hui;WU Naihu
Analysis and Prospect on Development Patterns of China’s Power Transmission Network in Future
SUN Yujiao;ZHOU Qinyong;SHEN Hong
Test and Analysis on Operating Performance of Transformer With Single-Phase Three-Limb Core Under DC Bias
SUN Jiantao;LI Jinzhong;ZHANG Shuqi;LIU Rui;TANG Hao;GAO Fei;WU Chao;DENG Junyu
A Sliding Mode Variable Structure-Based Direct Power Control Strategy for Doubly Fed Induction Generator
LI Shengmin;HE Huanhuan;ZHANG Yukun;ZHENG Yuan
Analysis on Strength Indices of AC/DC System
XIAO Jun;LI Xingyuan;WANG Haiyan
Definition and Assessment of Generator Reactive Power Reserve
GONG Yiyu;WU Hao;SONG Zhuoran
Research on Factors Influencing Identification of Transmission Line Parameters
DING Lan;OU Zhile;TANG Zhikai;LIU Guifu;ZENG Bo
Condition-Based Assessment Model of MV Vacuum Circuit Breaker With Radar Chart Method
LI Haiying;FENG Dong;SONG Jiancheng
An Economic Assessment of Power System Planning Based on Differentiated Life Cycle Cost
SONG Chunli;LIU Dichen;WU Jun;DONG Feifei;ZHAO Yijie;PAN Xudong;WANG Haolei