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Acta Geoscientia Sinica
2008 Issue 1
xin xi yu dong tai
Two types of Sedimentary Response in Basin
WANG Zhenghe
Geometric Characteristics of the He-125 Fault and Its Control over Sediment and Reservoir Distribution, Dongying
WANG Zhikun;ZHONG Jianhua;AHMATJAN·Abdurahman;GAO Yufei
Correlation between Structure Evolution and Petroleum System of the Jiangling Depression
LIU Jun;LU Mingguo;TONG Xiaolan;WU Chaodong
The Channel Way, Style and Driving Mechanism of Ore Fluid Migration in the Jiaojia Gold Deposit
GUO Tao;DENG Jun;L(U) Guxian;SUN Zhifu
Reconsideration of the Relationship between Organic Reef and Lead-Zinc Deposits in West Qinling
HE Jinzhong;YAO Shuzhen;PENG Deqi;ZHU Yongxin
40 Ar-39Ar Age of Muscovite from the Laowan Gold Deposit in Henan and Its Significance
ZHANG Guan;LI Houmin;WANG Chenghui;WANG Denghong;LI Lixing;ZHANG Jian
Tectonic Evolution and Mechanism Analysis of Che-MoPalaeo-uplift in Junggar Basin
YU Fusheng;AMU Guleng;YANG Guangda;MA Baojun
The Late Paleozoic Basin System in the Western Part of East Kunlun
YIN Fuguang;PAN Guitang
On the Significance of Chinese Scientific Thinking for Future Geology
SUN Wenpeng;XU Daoyi