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Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute
2007 Issue 1
A method for estimating the loss in technology innovation risk
MA Qing-xi;HE Wu-zhou
Sequence stratigraphic framework and the distribution model of stratigraphic traps in Songliao deep water lacustrine basin
LIANG Jiang-ping;WANG Li-jing;LI Hui-yong;MA Hong;WANG Shu-heng
AVO intercept and gradient crossplot analysis and its application
WANG Yun-zhuan;ZHU Lun;WANG Kai-yan;ZHU Quan
The fractal characteristics of the pore texture in low porosity and low permeability reservoir
WEN Hui-jian;YAN Lin;JIANG Fu-cong;YANG Jing-xi
The characteristics and evolvement of the tectonic in Tangyuan rift in northern Heilongjiang
YANG Jian-guo;LIU Jun-lai;WU He-yong;LIU Chun-gao
Analysis of influential factors of elasticity of ASP compound system
HU Jin-qiang;WANG Ying-juan;LIU Ren-qiang;LI Xi
Optimization of polymer injection parameters in the second reservoirs in Xingbei oil field
YAN Wen-hua;KANG Wan-li;JIA Hong-bing;XU Dian-ping;JIANG Guo-qing
Synthesis of a new type of zwitterionic-comb-like polyacrylamide
DING Wei;ZHU Hong-qing;YU Tao
Generalized quasi-variational principles in geometric nonlinear non-conservative elasticity
FAN Tao;LIANG Li-fu;ZHOU Li-jian
Deduction of Bernoulli equation at non-inertial reference frame
TIAN Bao-zhong
Mesh simplification with geometry and attribute error based on edge collapse
LIU Xian-mei;ZHANG Ting;TIAN Feng
An intrusion detection method based on support vector machines
YI Zhi-an;Lü Man
Robust fault-tolerant control for uncertain nonlinear systems with time-delay
ZHANG Hui-zhen;SHAO Ke-yong;SONG Jin-bo;LIU Sheng
Efffect of viscoelastisity of HPAM solution on residual oil film
WANG Gang;WANG De-min;XIA Hui-fen;ZHANG Li-juan
A method for predicting formation pressure using production data for confined gas reservoir
ZHANG Ji-cheng;GAO Yan;SONG Kao-ping
Experiment of polymer flooding with produced water polymer solution
WANG Lei;HE Xian-hua;LU Xiang-guo
Magnetic memory testing on welding line of pressure pipeline
BI Feng-qin;WANG Wen-jiang;DAI Guang;WANG Jin
Numerical simulation of the secondary throttle choke
WANG Zun-ce;XU Yan;WANG Xiao-ping;LU Zhao-hong;AN Vei-yu
Risk management for gas stations
LIU Yang;ZHANG Yan;LI Guang-liang;JIN Li-jun
Calculation of the limit axial force of the rotor based on design optimization
ZHANG Qiang;LIU Ju-bao;LUO Min
A new structured Gossip message dissemination algorithm
MA Rui-rain;LIU Jian;YUAN Man
Prediction of oilfield systems based on support vector regression
GAO Yang;LIU YAN-wei
Design of domestically produced Software of seismic data interpretation based on advanced PCs
KONG Xiao-li;ZHANG Yong-yi;CHENG Jian-jan;MA Xiao-chen;LIU Zhi-zhong
Survey of the integrated project of the exploration and development research environment of Daqing Oilfield
CUI Jing-wei;WANG Hong-li;LIU Wan-wei;ZHANG Jian