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Advances in Earth Science
2015 Issue 8
Monitoring and Forecasting of Finescale Structure and Impact Assessment of Landfalling Typhoons
Duan Yihong;State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;
Key Technologies of Earth Observation Satellite Data Integration System under Big Data Environment
Xie Rong;Liu Yawen;Li Xiangxiang;International School of Software;Wuhan University;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;Space Star Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Permeable Reactive Barrier for Groundwater Pollution Remediation: An Overview
Liu Fei;Chen Liang;Wang Guangcai;Chen Honghan;Robert W.Gillham;School of Water Resources and Environment;China University of Geosciences;State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety;School of Civil Engineering;Tianjin University;University of Waterloo;
Formation and Evolution of Early Precambrian Continental Crust in Alxa Block
Luo Zhibo;Tianjin Geophysical Exploration Center;
Multi-Satellite Retrieval of High Resolution Precipitation: An Overview
Guo Ruifang;Liu Yuanbo;State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Pathway and Flux of Inputting Chemical Substances from the Kuroshio to the East China Sea
Liu Wei;Song Jinming;Yuan Huamao;Li Xuegang;Li Ning;Duan Liqin;Zuo Jiulong;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences;Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shandong Analysis and Test Center;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A Study on Distribution Rule of Geostress in Qinghai-Tibet Area
Chen Zhimin;Yan Songhong;Zhao Dean;Yu Yunyan;Key Laboratory of Road & Bridges and Underground Engineering of Gansu Province;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;School of Civil Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;School of Civil Engineering;Northwest University for Nationalities;
Geochronological Evidence for the Middle Early Cretaceous Strike-slip Movement from the Feidong Segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone
Han Yu;Niu Manlan;Zhu Guang;Wu Qi;Li Xiucai;Wang Ting;School of Resource and Environmental Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;
Soil Carbon Sequestration with Bioactivity:A New Emerging Frontier for Sustainable Soil Management
Pan Genxing;Lu Haifei;Li Lianqing;Zheng Jufeng;Zhang Xuhui;Cheng Kun;Liu Xiaoyu;Bian Rongjun;Zheng Jinwei;Institute of Resouce;Ecosystem and Environment of Agriculture;College of Resouces and Environmental Sciences;Nanjing Agriculture University;
Progress in Anthropogenic Carbon Estimation,Spatial and Temporal Distribution in the Ocean
Huang Peng;Chen Liqi;Cai Minggang;College of Ocean and Earth Sciences;Xiamen University;Key Laboratory of Global Change and Marine-Atmospheric Chemistry;State Oceanic Administration;Third Institute of Oceanography;