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Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences
2012 Issue 6
Ideas and Methods for Mineral Resources Integrated Prediction in Covered Areas
CHENG Qiu-ming1;2 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
New Evidences for Transport Mechanism and Case Histories of Geochemical Exploration through Covers
WANG Xue-qiu;ZHANG Bi-min;YAO Wen-sheng;SUN Bin-bin Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration CAGS;Langfang 065000;China
Extraction and Applications of the Long-Term Vertical Distribution Trends of Geochemical Elements in the Loess Cover
XU De-yi 1;2;PEI Hong-wei 1;6;LIU Ning-qiang2;3;YUAN Zhao-xian4;YANG Jie4;XIE Shu-yun5;CHENG Qiu-ming2;4 1.School of Economics and Management;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 3.Faculty of Earth Science and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 4.Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 5.Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 6.Faculty of Economics;Xiamen University;Xiamen 361005;China
Geochemical Vertical Transportation along Soil Profiles in Baiyinnuoer Pb-Zn Deposit Areas,Mongolia,China
XIE Shu-yun1;JIAO Yang1;YAN Min1;3;XIN Dong-lin1;4;XU De-yi 5;CHENG Qiu-ming2 1.Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 3.Geochemistry Institute of China Academy of Sciences;Guiyang 550002;China 4.403 Geological Brigade;Geological Prospecting Bureau of Hunan Province;Changde 415000;China 5.School of Economics and Management;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Application of Hydrocarbons in Concealed Tungsten Ore Prediction in Weijia,Nanling Area
ZHANG Shuang1;LI Fang-lin1;GONG Jing-jing1;BAO Zheng-yu1;2;XIE Shu-yun1;CUI Fang3;SU Zheng-wei 4;ZENG Yong-hong5 1.Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 3.Wuhan Center of Geological Survey;Wuhan 430205;China 4.Hunan Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration;Changsha 410116;China 5.No.418 Geological Brigade;Hunan Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Development;Loudi 417000;China
Application and Comparison of Weighted Weights of Evidence Models
ZHANG Dao-jun1;2;CHENG Qiu-ming1;ZUO Ren-guang1;WANG Shu-wang1;2 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Geological Process-Based Mineral Resource Quantitative Prediction and Assessment for Makeng Type Iron Polymetallic Deposits in Fujian
ZUO Ren-guang;XIA Qing-lin;ZHANG Dao-jun;CHENG Qiu-ming State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Geochemical Data Analysis
LIU Jiang-tao1;2;CHENG Qiu-ming1;2;WANG Jian-guo1 1.Faculty of Earth and Space Science;York University;Toronto M3J1L4;Canada 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Application of Electrical Joint Interpretation Method in Mineral Exploration of Coverage Areas
QI Zhi-peng;LI Xiu;QIAN Jian-bing;CHU Yan;ZHANG Xu School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics;Chang’an University;Xi’an710054;China
Mine Geological Modeling and Application Based on the Three-Dimensional Laser Scanner Technology
QIU Jun-ling1;2;XIA Qing-lin1;3;YAO Ling-qing3;YUAN Zhao-xian1;SHI Chao1 1.Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.Henan Provincial Coal Seam Gas Development and Utilization Co.Ltd.;Zhengzhou 450000;China 3.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Anisotropic Scale Invariance Quantification Method for 2D Mixing Fields and Its Applications
CAO Li 1;2;CHENG Qiu-ming3 1.School of Earth Science and Mineral Resouces;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.China Geological Survey;Beijing 100037;China 3.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Improvement of Weighted Weights of Evidence and Its Applications in Sn-Cu Mineral Potential Mapping in Gejiu,Yunnan Province,China
ZHANG Sheng-yuan1;2;CHENG Qiu-ming2;ZHANG Su-ping1;XU De-yi 2;3 1.Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering;Shijiazhuang University of Economics;Shijiazhuang 050031;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geology Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 3.School of Economics and Management;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Geochronology of Diagenesis and Mineralization of the Luoyang Iron Deposit in Zhangping City,Fujian Province and Its Geological Significance
ZHANG Da1;2;WU Gan-guo1;2;DI Yong-jun1;WANG Chang-ming1;YAO Ji-ming1;ZHANG Yao-yao1;LV Liang-ji 1;YUAN Yuan1;SHI Jian-ji 3 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Tectonics and Lithoprobing Technology of Ministry of Education;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 3.Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Fujian Province;Fuzhou 350003;China
Strata Hosted Makeng Type Iron Deposits and Prospecting Orientation in the Wuyishan Covered Region
DI Yong-jun1;2;ZHANG Da1;2;WU Gan-guo1;2;YAN Peng-cheng1;2;LAI Shou-hua1;2;GONG Yong1;2 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.School of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Geological and Geophysical Model of Thrust Controlling on Iron Ore Deposits in the Southwestern Fujian Province
ZHANG Xu1;ZHANG Da1;2;TAN Han-dong1;LIN Quan-sheng1;DI Yong-jun1;LV Liang-ji 1;LIU Min1;WANG Gai-mei 1 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Tectonics and Lithoprobing Technology of Ministry of Education;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
New Approach of Integrated Geological Prospection in Covered Areas:A Case Study from Northwestern Xilinguole,Inner Mongolia
XU Qi-dong1;2;ZHANG Xiao-jun1;2;SHANG Heng-sheng3;YANG Zhen1;ZUO Ren-guang2;YAO Chun-liang1;LIU Rui 1 1.Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 3.Geological Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia;Hohhot 010020;China
Relationship between Characteristics of Tungsten and Molybdenum Ore Deposits in Wurinitu and Early Cretaceous Granite
SHANG Heng-sheng1;GAO Wei-yu2;SHI Chun1;YU Cun-lin3;ZUO Yu-shan1;WANG Tao1 1.Geological Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia;Hohhot 010020;China 2.Seventh Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Inner Mongolia;Hohhot 010020;China 3.Inner Mongolia Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources;Hohhot 010020;China
Basic Igneous Rock in Cihai Giant Iron District,Hami,Xinjiang,and Its Indication to the Metallogenic Setting
QI Tian-jiao1;XUE Chun-ji 1;ZHANG Zhao-chong1;WANG Yin-hong1;SHAO Fa-zhi 2 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.Yakuang Iron and Steel Company;Xinjiang Province;Hami 839126;China
Chronology of Molybdenum-Lead-Zinc Polymetallic Deposit of Suo Naga,Dong Ujimqin Banner Region
YANG Mei-zhen;HOU Kun;LU Jian-pei;JIANG Feng;FU Jing-jing Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
LA-ICP-MS Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Volcanic Rocks from Yamansu Formation in the Eastern Tianshan,and Its Geological Significance
LUO Ting1;LIAO Qun-an1*;CHEN Ji-ping1;ZHANG Xiong-hua1;GUO Dong-bao2;HU Zhao-chu3 1.Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2.Gansu Non-Ferrous Metal Geological Exploration Bureau;Lanzhou 730000;China 3.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Characteristics and Its Geological Significance of Fluid Inclusions of the Wurinitu W-Mo Deposit in Inner Mongolia,China
YANG Zeng-hai 1;2;WANG Jian-ping1;2;LIU Jia-jun1;2;WANG Shou-guang3;WANG Qing-yi 4;KANG Shu-guang4 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.School of Earth Sciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 3.Geological Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia;Huhehaote 010020;China 4.Inner Mongolia Ninth Geology Mineral Exploration and Development Co.Ltd.;Xilinhaote 026000;China
Characteristics of Melt-Fluid Inclusions and Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of the Hashitu Molybdenum Deposit,Inner Mongolia
ZHAI De-gao;LIU Jia-jun*;WANG Jian-ping;YANG Yong-qiang;LIU Xing-wang;WANG Gong-wen;LIU Zhen-jiang;WANG Xi-long;ZHANG Qi-bin StateKeyLaboratoryofGeologicalProcessesandMineralResources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Metallogenic Granitoid of Aolunhua Mo Deposit at North Bank of Xilamulun River
YANG Yong-qiang1;DING Li 1;2;ZHAI De-gao1;2;WANG Jian-ping2;LIU Jia-jun2 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.School of Earth Sciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Stratigraphical Sequence of Carboniferous Marine Volcanic-Deposit Rock and Its Geological Age in Jueluotage Area,Eastern Tianshan
ZHANG Xiong-hua;HUANG Xing;CHEN Ji-ping;LIAO Qun-an;DUAN Xian-feng Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China