Middle Jurassic—Tertiary Deposits and Ostracod—Charophyte fossil assemblages of Xining and Minhe Basins
<Abstract>The Xining and the Minhe Basins bordering on each other around Ledu innorthwestern China cover a wide area from the west of Lanzhou in Gansuprovince to the east of Xining in Qinghai province.In these inland basins;Meso-Cenozoic terrestrial deposits about 6000-7000 meters in thicknessand rich in mineral resources;such as coal;oi1 as well as salts;had beenaccumunated;which yield abundant organic remains comprising microfossils;such as nonmarine ostracods;charophytes;spores and pollen and macrofos-si1s including bivalves.gastropods;esthierians;fishes;reptiles and plants.