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2003 Issue 2
zuo zhe jian jie
The Yezidis, People of the Spoken Word in the midst of People of the Book
zha yi mu heng xie la wu yi ; lu xiang zuo
English as Global Language: Problems, Dangers, Opportunities
yi wa ku shi na ; chen yuan
Literary and Linguistic Studies in the 20th and 21st Centuries
yi wa ku shi na ; wang wen e
In Favour of an Urban Policy in Russia
lie ang ni de ke gan ; a lao
Commentary: The Post-Communist Town:An Incomparable Testing-Ground for Social Geography
jia li ya bi re er ; ju yi bi re er ; qiao ya
Moscow Chill and Shanghai Frenzy:Two False Exits from the Communist Urban Order
fei li pu hai lin ge ; lu xiang zuo
Conceptualising the Reconstruction of Identities in the Postcommunist Countries
wan da de lei si le ; shui jin
Challenges of Phiosophy and Challenges to Philosophy
yue an na ku qiu la di ; xiao jun ming
An Interview with Jaakko Hintikka
yi li sha bai a luo xi ao ; li hong xia
On the Educational Missions of Philosophy
ya ke xin di ka ; li hong xia