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Computer Knowledge and Technology
2016 Issue 24
Analysis on the Usage of SQL Statement
LI Zhu;Chongqing Jiaotong University;
shu ju wa jue dui jiao xue guan li de you hua she ji
sun rong ming ;
Tobacco Aroma Ensemble Classification Method based on Intelligent Algorithm
DENG Chen-xi;College of Computer Science and Technology;University of South China;
Research and Application of Hospital Data Integration Platform
JIN Jie;HU Shun;Shanghai Power Hospital Information and technology Center;
wang luo shu ju wa jue fang fa ji ji shu fen xi
wu hua qin ; liu jing ;
gao ji cheng de shu ju zhong xin ying yong
yin liang yuan ;
ji suan ji wang luo xin xi an quan guan li ji shu
zhang jin rong ;
duan xin lan jie ma fen xi yu yan jiu
song chun ;
qian xi ji suan ji wang luo an quan fen xi yan jiu
cui li mei ;
yun fu wu huan jing xia de gao xiao xie tong chuang xin yan jiu
guan li fang ; jia wei ; xiao ning ; wang chang ; guo fei ;
Linear Integer Programming Branch and Bound Method
LI Ping-feng;LIU Hai-feng;Shaanxi University of Science and Technology;
ji suan ji wang luo an quan fang fan cuo shi tan tao
wan bo ; jin zuo ;
The Design and Implementation of Net Sniffer
WU Yan;Department of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering;Shanxi University of Technology;
Analysis of Safety Problems and Countermeasures of Wearable Devices
XIA Ping;Department of Computer Science and Engineering;Guangzhou College of Technology and Business;
Analysis and Research on the Key Technology of Intelligent Campus
YAN Si-jing;School of Nursing;Xiangtan Medical Vocational and Technical College;
Modern Optical Fiber Communication Integrated Circuit Design and Analysis
ZHANG Ming-wen;Wuyi University;
da shu ju shi dai she jiao wang luo ge ren xin xi an quan wen ti yan jiu
zhao zhen yu ; teng lin chi ; chen qiang ; wang hao yu ;
Research on Computer Security Measures in Colleges and Universities
LI Zhu;Chongqing Jiaotong University;
gao xiao xue sheng zi zhu guan li xi tong yan jiu yu she ji
chang hong chun ;
The Designation and Realization of Compus Social Terminal Service Based on Android/iOS
CHANG Yu;DENG Fei;XIAO Ya-wen;LI Ang;JIANG Ding-ming;Chengdu University of Technology;
ji yu gis de wang luo san wei xi tong de gou jian ji ying yong
feng xiao xue ;
The Development of Online Shopping Based on Java
FENG Ying-ling;LIAO Zi-hao;YAN Hao;School of Science;Nantong University;
ji tuan gong si oa xi tong de yan jiu yu kai fa
guo lu ;
Construction and Service Mode of Digital Library Based on Cloud Computing
LI Zhao;Rizhao No.1 Middle School of Shandong;
The Research of a University Youth League Information Management System
LIU Zhuo;CUI Zhong-wei;Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Guizhou Education University;Industrial Internet of Things Engineering Research Center of the Higher Education Institutions of Guizhou Province;Internet+ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of Guizhou Education University;
Summary of Present Situation and Development Trend of Shanxi Meteorological Consultation System
MENG Hui-fang;Shanxi Meteorological Information Center;
Based on the College Students under the ASP Technology Platform Design and Implementation of a Flea Book Street
SUN Li;WANG Shan;FENG Feng;Ningxia University;Information Engineering;
ji yu javaweb de wu liu jian zhi xi tong de she ji yu shi xian
wang guang qiong ; ren yang ; ran chun lin ; song min ; ye feng lin ;
ji yu opencv shi xian wen dang wu ti de jiu pian fang fa
wang xian feng ; huang miao yan ;
Malicious PDF Document Detection Method Based on SVM Model
XU Jian-ping;Information Engineering Institute;East China University of Technology;
A Digital Radio Function Testing and Software BUG Capture Method
YAN Fu-li;Clarigo Technology Co.;Ltd.;
The Implementation of Intelligent Coin Grading System
YANG Zhen-lun;SHI Kun-qun;DENG Dan;School of Information Engineering;Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic College;
Analysis of Recursive Algorithms of Binary Tree’s Operations
ZHAN Ze-mei;Computer Science College of Yangtze University;
ji yu html5 ji android ping tai de you er jie song xi tong
zhang ya zuo ;
xian xing dai shu ji suan ji fu zhu jiao xue chu tan
xie xiao zhen ; hu xiao ning ;
du li yuan xiao ji suan ji wen hua ji chu (vb) jiao xue gai ge chu tan
chen xiu li ; gao ling ling ; liu yuan ;
ji suan ji ji chu ke cheng cha yi hua jiao xue yan jiu
dong ju ;
Discussions on C Language Teaching
GUO Liang;GUO Hai-zhi;Polytechnic Institute;Sanya College;
ji yu gang wei neng li pei yang de ji suan ji wang luo yuan li shi jian jiao xue tan suo
huang zuo ; yang jing yan ;
Constructing the Experimental Teaching Mode of Compulsory Course Educational Technology Basing on the Tsinghua Education Online Platform
JIN Tao;Educational Technology and Communication College;Guang Dong Polytechnic Normal University;
yi yuan xian xing hui gui zai cheng ji yu ce zhong de ying yong
li ping ; liu kun ; xu jian ; xu kun liang ; zhang shun ji ;
zi zhu xue xi neng li zai gao zhi ji suan ji jiao xue zhong de pei yang
li xing yu ; zhao song ;
The Application of Task-Driven and Subject Combining Teaching Method in the Computer Application Basic Courses
LIU Hua-li;Karamay Vocational & Technical College;
Research on the Practice Teaching of Software Engineering Based on Studio
LUO Lai-Jun;YAN Feng;School of Software;Jiangxi University of Science and Technology;
cdio wei dao xiang de ji suan ji cao zuo xi tong ke cheng jiao xue gai ge
mei ying ying ; zhang ji shan ; zhang zhong yuan ;
Research on the Student-centeredness Instructional Design of C Programming
SHAO Lan-jie;LI Shan;College of Information Science and Technology;Yanjing Institute of Technology;
zhi hui xiao yuan lang chao xia da xue ke tang jiao xue gai ge yu she ji
sun hua ; li ai ping ;
Research on Exploration Teaching of Higher Vocational Database in the Era of Big Data
WANG Li-li;XIE Yan;NAN Mao;Electronic Information Engineering Dep.;Baoji Professional Technology Institute;
Research on the Integration Mode of xMOOC and Distance Open Education
WANG Yu;Shaanxi Business College;
ji suan ji gong gong ke de jiao xue huan jie she zhi xiao yi
xian mu si ya mai mai ti ming ; a bu lai ti ji li li ;
Current Teaching Situation and Reform Analysis of the Microcontroller Unit Course of Higher Vocational Colleges in Guizhou Minority Areas
XU Wan-ming;TIAN Shao-dong;YANG Yu;YANG Si-yang;YANG Min;CHE Ke-Lin;ZHOU Shuang;Qiandongnan National Polytechnic;Hunter Sun Technology Co..Ltd;
Research on the Integrated Model of Online Learning Resources Based on SOA
XU Yuan-yuan;GUO Li-xiao;Ningbo Dahongying University;
The Research of Teaching Mode of Science Class in Primary School Based on MOOC
ZHAN Shi-yi;Department of Education;Pinghu Campus of Jiaxing University;
Integrated Training Teaching Design of Decoration Design CAD Course for Higher Vocational Education
ZHANG Ling-hong;Computer Science Department;Ningxia Finance and Economics Technological Institution;
moocs xin ji shu dui gao xiao jiao xue dai lai de ying xiang
zhang ya pei ;
dian zhen han zi xi hua suan fa ji ying yong
fan liu qiang ; hui yan bo ; cao yi fan ;
ren gong zhi neng xian zhuang he fa zhan
han feng fei ;
ji yu lu bang xing de guang yi fcm tu xiang fen ge suan fa
chen bao jing ; deng jie ;
The Research Progress of Bat Algorithm
CHENG Chun-ying;LIU Na-ren;College of Computer Science and Technology;Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities;
ji suan ji tu xiang chu li ji shu zhong de fen bian lv wen ti yan jiu
shao yan ; chen shou sen ; xu qiang ; jia chun pu ;
zi ran guang xia lv pi ma ling shu de jian ce
zeng zuo ; lu ling ; lv mu dan ;
Design and Implementation of A Face Detection and Recognition Method
ZHANG Jing;ZHANG Yi;ZHANG Yong-mei;YANG Fei;LI Xu-ru;College of Software;Shanxi Agricultural University;College of Software;Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Computer;North China University of Technology;School of Electronic Information Engineering;North China University of Technology;
Exploration of the Mutual Accommodation between Flash Design Contest and Flash Animation Course
GE Huai-yu;Tianjin Coastal Polytechnic;
ping xiang shi dong man chan ye fa zhan fen xi
liang li zuo ; wang hai ;
Design and Development of Interactive Muti-Media Teaching Software Based on Lingo
WANG Jun-yu;CHEN Bin;WANG Chuan;The Chinese People’s Liberation Army 95934;
ji yu html5 de shi pin jian kong wei ke she ji qian xi
zhang bo ; liu yun ;
quan jing 360 man you ji shu qing song zhu li xu ni lv you
zhou xue fei ;
yi zhong tu xiang chao xiang su de kuai su sheng cheng suan fa
chen bao jing ; yuan zuo ;
pen ma ji de yan jiu yu ying yong
fan liu qiang ; hui yan bo ;
qi ye ji suan ji ji shu de ying yong ji kong zhi guan li
liu yi fei ;
Design and Realzation of Cold Light Source in the medical electronic endoscope System
WANG Zheng-dao;MA Yan;HU Jun;The Key Laboratory of Broadband Internet and Information Processing of Chongqing;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Analysis and Research of Virtualization Technology
WANG Lei;SHI Ya-wen;Shaanxi Radio and TV University;Department of Computer and Information Management;Xi’an West Harbour Garden School;
Research on the Development Trend of Domestic Laser TV
WANG Wei;Department of Computer;Wuhan Polytechnic;
A Design of Smart Home Control System Based on Zigbee Rf4ce
WANG Yu-li;Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Vocational Technology;
12 wei 100mhz liu shui xian xing adc xing wei ji jian mo yu fang zhen
wang yue hai ; liu hong yan ;
Research on real-time and dependable CPU for PLC
ZENG Shu-ting;XIA Qing-feng;Information Engineering;Nanjing Jinling Institute;
ji yu dan pian ji de jian yi dian zi cheng
zhang gui hong ;
qian suan xu dian chi chong dian qi she ji yu shi xian
zhang hui ying ; yu wen bo ;
The Remote Terminal System And Data Maintenance Technology Based On The IP over DVB-S one-way Transmission Mode
ZHANG Jia-wei;WANG Liang-liang;ZHOU Ye;Modern Education Technology Center;Xinjiang Teacher’s College;Xinjiang Laboratory of Education Cloud Technology and Resources;
pang lu an quan ping tai yin hui liu ji shu po xi
zheng jian ;
Design of Bicycle Speed Odometer Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
ZHOU Bing;HONG Jia-ping;College of Mathematics and Statisticcs;Hubei Normal University;College of Computer Science and Technologe;Hubei Normal University;
etl ji shu zai dian xin shu ju yun ying zhong de ying yong
wang ke xin ;
tian shan yun chuang xin dian zi zheng wu
ai si ka er ba la ti ;
Users’ Interests Exploration and Products Recommendation in Social Networks
LIN Meng-di;Tongji University;
The Improvement of the Accuracy of the Basic Information about the Patient
LU Hui-zhe;The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Medicine;
da shu ju shi dai chuan tong qu dao yu dian zi shang wu de zheng he she ji
si bin bin ; zhu bin zhong ; liu gao an ;
qian tan ji yu rfid de yi dong dian zi zhi fu an quan
zuo ai rong ;