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Computer Knowledge and Technology
2016 Issue 19
da shu ju fen bu shi cun chu de rong yu yan jiu
wang li qing ; zhang hua min ;
SQL Server Database Intrusion Detection System Research
GUO Ke;Qinhuangdao Institute of Technology;
The Design and Implementation of School Fixed Assets Management System Based on RFID
ZHANG Jin-liang;Dongguan Institute of Technology;
Visitor Analysis System Based On Big Data Technology
ZHENG Bang-feng;GAO Fei;ZHENG Yuan-jie;China Mobile Communication Group Hainan Co.;Ltd;
ji suan ji wang luo ji cheng ce lue shi xian tan xi
sun liang ;
ji suan ji wang luo an quan tan xi
bai lian hong ; xu zuo ;
css3 zai xiang ying shi wang ye she ji zhong de ying yong
chen mei ; su chen ; gao zuo ;
wu xian chuan gan qi wang luo ding wei ji shu fen xi
qin xiao qin ;
ji suan ji wang luo yu tu shu guan fa zhan mo shi yan jiu
wang ren hui ;
chao ji yun de gai nian he she ji
xu rong ;
ji yu php+smarty de ding can wang zhan she ji yu shi xian
zhang xin yue ;
Design and Implementation of Pressure Gauge Measured Data Display System
DING Peng-fei;School of Electronic Engineering;Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications;
The Design and Realization of Carpool System Based on Web
HAN Qing-liang;Shan Dong University of Science and Technology;
guo chan hua shi wu bao hu ji cheng ping tai yan jiu
zhang min ; ma wen jun ; wu jian lei ;
xin xi ji shu zai gao zhong yu wen xue ke jiao xue zhong de ying yong yan jiu
ma zuo ; jia yang yang ; gou jiang feng ; zhang shi lin ; lu e ;
Smart Campus Platform Building in Higher Vocational Colleges——A Case Study of Guangdong Construction Polytechnic Qingyuan New Campus
CHEN Bin;WU Li-zhi;Modern Educational Technology Center;Guangdong Construction Polytechnic;
The Research of Vocational Students’ Information Literacy Training by Combining the Professional Actual
DENG Ying;FENG Xiang-ke;Hunan Railway Professional Technology College;
The Exploration and Practice of Flipped Classroom Leading by the Computer
FENG Gui-er;Shanghai International Study University;
Construction of Innovative Laboratory Management Mode Based on Resource Sharing Platform
LI Ji-you;CUI Nan;ZHANG Wen-mei;Mechanical and Electrical Department of Guangdong AIB Polytechnic;
ji qu dao xue , da zao photoshop jiao xue de gao xiao ke tang
li qing qiu ;
shi lun gao xiao jiao xue ping jia xi tong zhong shu ju wa jue de ying yong
li wen yong ; zhang xue yu ;
chang jian dian nao gu zhang de wei xiu si lu yu fang fa
liu shi guo ;
guan yu cheng xu yu yan de jiao xue gai ge yan jiu
lu xin wen ;
gao zhi wen hua ke yu ji suan ji zhuan ye ke jiao xue you xiao xian jie de yan jiu
sun zhong qiao ; wu yong gang ;
The Research of C Language Training Teaching Mode Based on IT Enterprise Job Requirements
WANG Fei-fei;ZHANG Guang-hui;Pingdingshan University College of Information Engineering;
Role of Tutorial System in the Graduation Project of Applied Undergraduate Colleges
XIE Fang-juan;ZHU Shu-yun;PENG Lan-feng;Nanchang University College of Science and Technology;
da xue ji suan ji ji chu ke cheng jiao xue gai ge si lu
xue li xiang ; gao li jie ;
gao zhi hu li xin xi ji shu ke cheng de gai ge yan jiu
zhang zuo ; gong sha ; cao yong ping ;
Study on Integration Reform of Mathematics Course Teaching Based on MATLAB Platform in Business Colleges
ZHANG Li;Business School of Shandong University of Political Science and Law;
The Teaching Reform of the Embedded System
ZHENG Qi;Xi’an University of Science and Technology;The Center of Engineering Training;
Research on Face Recognition System Based on Parallel PCA Algorithm
ZHAO Ya-peng;College of Information Science and Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Bee Colony Algorithm for Function Optimization
FANG Qun;WANG Hui;Bengbu Navy Petty Office Academy;
Research on Defensive Strategy of Goalkeeper in RobocCup3D
WANG Wei-jian;YANG Wei-min;LI Kai;LI Zhi-wen;Department of Computer Science and Technology;Anhui University;
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agriculture Moisture ManAgement System
XIA Shao-fang;College of Mathematics and Information Technology;XingTai University;
Spectral Clustering and its Research Progress
XING Jie-qing;FU Chuan-yi;Department of Modern Education Technology;Qiongtai Normal College;
Fast Formal Match and Performance Evaluation Analysis
YU Jun-ting;LIU Wu-ying;YI Mian-zhu;HE Hong-ye;Luoyang University of Foreign Languages;Language Engineering and Computing Laboratory;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
ji yu opencv de che liu liang tong ji suan fa de yan jiu
zhang ming zuo ; he xiao dong ;
ji yu matlab de yin pin jie xi yu he cheng
zhan hua rui ; ma yong bin ;
shi fan yuan xiao wei ge jiao xue yun ping tai de she ji yu gou jian
zhuo zuo ; li zuo ; huang jian ;
ji yu web de duo rong qi duo huo wu san wei zhuang xiang xi tong gou jian yan jiu
li can yi ; zhang sha qing ;
Approach on Management Technology of the University Computer Laboratory
CHEN Zhi-xiong;The School of Computer Science and Information Engineering of Hubei University;
Research of the Virtual Community Cruise and Collision Detection Based on Unity3d
HAN Lei;Qingdao Harbor Vocational and Technical College;
Research for Modern Tibetan Word Automatic Proofreading Method
LIU Fang;GUAN Bai;Tibetan Information Technology Research Center in Tibet University;
ji yu uefi yin dao de windows an zhuang guo cheng fen xi
liu yun peng ; yang you ; yang qiang ;
The Forecast Research on the Curve’S Trend Based on the Composite Algorithm of the FFT Means and the Least Squares Fitting
LIU Zhang-ming;The Academy of Armored Forces Engineering;
Design and Implementation of Virtual Roaming System——Based on the Haikou Aromatic-world Manor
SANG Jun;Hainan Vocational College of Political Science and Law;
Mining Minimal Role Set Based on Boolean Matrix Decomposition
SUN Wei;LU Jun;School of Computer & Informatiion Technology;Xinyang Normal University;
Study of Three-dimensional Location Space Algorithm Based on RSSI
WANG Shan;FENG Feng;WANG Shong-wei;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Ningxia University;Engineering University of CAPF;
Lower Power Current Mode Active Complex Filter Design
WU Yi-qiang;YU Xing-ling;Spreadtrum Shanghai Communications;Inc.;
Environmental Air Quality Assessment Method Based on ABC-BP Model
XI Jun-fu;Information and Engineering Department;Xingtai Polytechnic College;
A Study of Urban Microcell Radio Waves Propagation Prediction Method
YANG Duo;Yunnan Minzu University;
matlab zai xin hao pin pu fen xi zhong de ying yong
yang jin xia ; wang dong fang ;
Two SVM Hybrid Models on Time Series Data
YUN Yong-sheng;MA Tian;ZHANG Li-jun;ZHANG Fei-ma;WANG Xin-hui;94175 Troops;Law School of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics;
Based on the design of temperature and humidity measurement system of the warehouse the microcontroller
YUE Qian-qian;CHENG Fei-qiang;LI Mei-lian;Anhui Sanlian University;
Simple Conversion SPC Exchange Data Pretreatment System
ZHANG Fan;LI Jia-qi;College of Information Engineering;Chang An University;
Acoustical Properties Study within Drill Strings Based on Simulink
ZHANG Hui-xian;Xi’an KeDa GaoXin University;
ji yu dan pian ji de yu yin shi zhuan su biao she ji yu shi xian
zhao hua feng ;
ji yu actionscript ji shu de xu ni dian zi shi yan shi gou jian yan jiu
zhao jing ya ; xu jiang hong ; gao zhen yu ;
qian tan xin jiang dian li yuan cheng zi zhu yi ti hua she qu mini ying ye ting de jian she
dong liang ; zou shuai ; duan zhuo hua ; zhang yi ; ni kai feng ; zhang ze min ;
shou ji zhi fu de an quan yan jiu
ye jie feng ; zhang yong zuo ; zhang han ; liu ying ;
yi dong dian zi shang wu fa zhan qu shi yan jiu
zhu zhen xin ; xu chun qiao ;