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Computer Knowledge and Technology
2014 Issue 33
Effect of Data Mining Technique in the Diagnosis of Asthma Disease
SHEN Tong-ping;GU Zong-yun;FANG Fang;School of Medical Information Technology;Anhui University of Chinese Medicine;
shu ju jiao cha cha xun zai zhao sheng guan li zhong de ying yong
yi xue wen ;
The Rise of Big Data and Data Mining Discussion
ZHAO Qian-qian;CHENG Guo-jian;JI Qian-yu;Rong Teng-xue;School of Computer Science;Xi’an Shiyou University;School of Electronic Engeering;Xi’an Shiyou University;
shu ju wa jue zai she bei guan li zhong de ying yong tan jiu
liu zhi liang ; zhang zuo ;
ji suan ji wang luo an quan zhong xin xi bao mi ji shu yan jiu
cai fu ;
ji yu pxe wang luo shi xian wu ren zhi shou pi liang an zhuang linux
chen hua ;
tan jiu jie jue ju yu wang nei dhcp chong tu wen ti
li gui rong ;
To Explore the Mobile Medical Security Problems and Countermeasures
LI Yuan;LIU Dao-jian;WEN Bin;GU Feng-jun;Medical Information Center;No.302 Hospital;
dui xian dai ipv6 yu ipv4 de hu lian ji shu yu shi xian fen xi
liao shi yu ;
Computer Network Security Technology and Precautions
LIU Bing;TIAN Jun;PLA Information Engineering University;
Network Communication Information Security Analysis
QIAN Kun;Gezhouba Finance Co.Ltd of China Energy Engineering Group;
dang dai epon ji shu zai xiao qu jie ru wang de ying yong
yang feng ;
ji yu asp.net de qin gong zhu xue guan li xi tong she ji yu shi xian
deng cai hong ; li xiao zuo ; wu tong shuai ; zhang li jun ;
Analysis System of Centralized Purchasing Related Group Company
GAO Shu-feng;Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes CO.;LTD;
The Design and Realization of Digital Forensic Capacity Verification System
LI Hao;PENG Ru-Xiang;ZHANG Yu;The Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security;Key Lab of Information Network Security of Ministry of Public Security;
zhi gong shou ru guan li ruan jian de she ji yu fen xi
li jing yu ;
Floating Verification Code Implemented by PHP
LIU Hua-yu;JIANG-wei;College of Mathematics Science;Luoyang Normal University;
ji yu rbac de wang luo xue xi ping tai kai fa
liu yong fu ;
Dynamic Alumni Information Service Platform
TONG Zheng;HAO Yong-tao;College of Electronics and Information Engineering;Tongji University;
Design and Realization of Employee Information Management System Based MVC Architecture Model
WANG Song-lin;HE Zhen-ming;College of Earth Sciences;Yangtze University;
ji yu .net ping tai de huai yang cai zai xian xue xi ping tai kai fa
xu shou jiang ;
gao xiao shi yan shi xin xi guan li xi tong she ji yu shi xian
zhang si zuo ; wang jian ;
The Design of Java Universal Data Set Framework to Data Access
ZHANG Ya;The Government Procurement and Transfer Integrated Service Center of Yunnan Province;
Research and Implementation of Food Safety Risk Assessment and Early Warning System
ZHENG Juan;ZUO Min;CHEN Li-lin;Depth of Computer and Information Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;
Using the Game Teaching Method in the Teaching of Information Technology in Primary School
CHEN Lei;Nanjing Pukou Experimental Primary School;
ji suan ji xin xi hua ji shu ying yong he fa zhan
chu wei ming ;
wei ji yuan li ke cheng gai ge chu tan
gao min ;
Innovation and Research on the Method Towards Teaching Process of Practical Courses for Seniors in Software Schools
HAN Pu;LIU Yu-hong;Nanyang Institute of Technology;
98 ban wu bi zi xing shu ru fa zhong ma yuan dai ma de kuai su ji yi fa
huang zhong xiong ; su yong xiu ; zhou jian bo ;
jiang su sheng ji suan ji er ji deng ji (visual foxpro) kao shi ying shi fang fa
shen hong ; wang su yun ;
Research on the Innovation of the Integration of Information Technology and Curriculum of Higher Vocational Education
SHI Ling;Office of Academic Affairs;Jiuzhou College of Vocational and Technology;
Application of Case Teaching Method in the Teaching of Cultural Foundation
WANG Bo;Shandong Yincai University;
zhong zhi hu li xin xi ji shu ji chu jiao xue shi jian yu tan suo
wang hui hong ;
Research Students Thinking Ability on User Interface Design Course
WU Jia-hui;Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute Digital Art;
Research of Cooperative Education Mode in Canada
XU Li-jie;GE Hua;Shazhou Professional Institute of Technology;
Research about Cultivating Animation Major Talents in Vocational Colleges
YAO Jing-ying;Wuxi City College of Technology;
gao zhi ji suan ji zhuan ye ying yu jiao xue tan jiu
ye wan qiu ;
gao zhi dong tai wang zhan jian she ke cheng shi jian jiao xue de tan suo yu yan jiu
yuan fang ; long qiu yun ;
shu zi mei ti shi yan shi de jiao xue ying yong ji gong xiang yan jiu
zhang hui ;
Research on the Training Mode of Innovative Talents in Local Colleges and Universities Computer "Excellence Program" Background
ZHANG Lian-fu;School of Math and Computer Science;Yichun University;
jsp ke cheng jiao xue gai ge tan tao
zhao peng fei ;
Teaching Research of Wireless Sensor Network Experiment
LI Xiao-long;Department of Computer Science and Engineering;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
Research on the Teaching of Database Course for Higher Vocational Colleges
JIANG Yun-li;WANG Wei-ping;Jiangxi Vocational College of Finance and Ecanamics;
shu li fu wu yi shi , ti gao jiao wu guan li de gong zuo xiao lv
ye xiao fang ;
han yu yu yin he cheng zai lao ren zhi neng ji zhong de yan jiu yu ying yong
liu wan feng ; zhang xiao qing ;
Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Markov Random Field
LI Tie;Institute of Information Science And Engineering;Hunan City University;
Analysis and Design of Acoustic Monitoring and Identification System Environment
LIU Wei;Jiangxi Vocational College of Finance and Economics;
Study on Image Segmentation Algorithm for Space Target Imaging Track system
MA Qing-jun;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The study of Fitting image contours with Cubic Bézier Curves
NI Yu-dong;CHEN Tian-fu;School of Mathematics;Hefei University of Technology;School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Hefei University of Technology;
sheng wu ji suan ji te dian ji wei lai fa zhan
yang xiao hu ;
Summary of the Technology of Extracting Texts from Still Images
YAO Li-jun;LI Lang;Hengyang Normal University;
Adaptive Equalization Algorithm for Image Based on Histogram
ZHANG Hong-mei;ZHANG Zhi-gao;College of Computer Science and Technology;Inner Monggolia University of Nationalities;.College of Math;Inner Monggolia University of the Nationalities;
Methods of Reverse Nearest Neighbors Queries for Moving Query point with barriers
ZHANG Xue-qin;Jiangsu province Xuzhou economic and trade vocational school;information technology department;
The Framework Study of Web Interactive VOD System Based on Cloud Storage
HU Gang-lin;Chongqing College of Humanities Science & Technology;
Analysis of Multimedia Courseware Interface Design Under the Theory of Vision
ZHAO Jie;HE Jian-min;Baoshan College School of Information;Baoshan College School of Resource and Environment;
The Construction of 3D Virtual Library in Digital Campus
CHEN San;JIANG Shan-shan;WANG Lei;BAI Yuan-hao;KAN Li-li;Fuyang Teachers College;
The Architecture of the Next Generation Data Center, Software Defined Data Center
HE Hai-yu;The Information Technology Department of Da Zhong News Group;
Diagnosis Classification Research for Disease of Osteoporosis Based on linear Combination model
LI Chao;YANG Shu;ZHOU Ying;IT Department of Bengbu Medical Collage;Information Management Department of Anhui University;
The Research of Rapid Prototyping in J2EE System
LI Xiang;HUANGFU Da-en;Information Engineering College of Kaifeng University;
Research of SF6 Gas Detection System Scheme Based on Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
LI Yong;LI Xiao-xia;ZHAO Xing;School of Information Engineering;Southwest University of Science and Technology;Sichuan Original Consciousness Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Construction of Foreign Language Mobile Learning System Based on Cloud Computing
LIU Jiang-hui;MO Jie-wen;Education Technology Center;Experimental Teaching Center;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;Cisco School of Informatics;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
sap xi tong an quan ji zhi ji ying yong
liu jin cai ;
xin xi ji cheng ping tai zhong guan jian ji shu yan jiu
liu jun ;
Research on Reliability Technology of Amazon Web Services(AWS) Cloud Platform
LIU Yi—ying;Department of Software;Tongji University;
Desktop Virtualization Technology Applied to the IT Management in Colleges and Universities
SHEN Jia;Shanghai International Studies University;
ji yu sentaurus device de 4h-sic pin er ji guan de fang zhen
sun jia zhe ; wang lei ;
An Error Data Processing Method of the Not Level Antenna Seat
WANG Guang-hui;LIANG Xian-hong;ZHANG Gui-hua;Fire Control Technology Center of Chengdu of CSGC;
Controlling the Using of USB
WANG Meng;WANG Jing;QIAN Yong-tao;College of Information Engineering;Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy;
Stuy on Optimization of Loading Plan in Vehicle Logistics Based on Dynamic Programming
WU Hai-yang;CHENG Guo-jian;ZHAO Kun-peng;HE Tian;School of Computer Science;Xi’an Shiyou University;College of Petroleum Engineering;Xi’an Shiyou University;
Fault Analysis and Injection For Kernel-based Virtual Machine
XU Shao-fei;Tongji University;
qian tan ji suan ji ji shu zai yi xue zhong de ji ben ying yong
lin xiu qiong ;
Research on Smear of Big Array Frame Transfer CCD
YANG Xiao-hu;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A Multistage ROI Division Algorithm for Large Scale Scene Based on Memory Cost
ZHANG Dong-pei;School of Software Engineering;Tongji University;
Improved Cognitive Cooperative Relaying
ZHANG Hong;Department of Information Enginerring;Nanjing Normal University Taizhou College;
Study of the Optimized Covering Algorithm and Its Application in Text Mining
ZHOU Ying;NIU Liu;School of Management;Anhui University;
bu jin dian ji yuan cheng kong zhi xi tong she ji
zu yi kang ; xu miao zuo ;
Research and Analysis of the Status Quo and the Future New Mode of the Express Delivery Services in Colleges and Universities
JIN Jin;YANG Ai-min;HUA Rui-yi;Zhejiang Wanli University;
Research of Product Features Extraction Method in Chinese Online Comments
HU Long-mao;Anhui Finance and Trade Vocational College;