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Computer Knowledge and Technology
2011 Issue 15
T-junction Traffic Controller Design for the Whole Sensors
LIU Jian-ke
Virtualization and Laboratory Construction
LIU Meng1;2;CHEN Wei-hua1
RFID Technology Application in the Medical Industry
WANG Yan-zhe1;TAN Ying-li1;WANG Ya-tao2
Build an Educational Technology Training Platform of Teachers by Moodle
An Ontology Matching Method for Heterogeneous Knowledge Integration in Animated Cartoon Project
ZHANG An-qi1;2;LIAO Liang-cai1;SONG Yang3
shi pin shi shi xin xi ting xi tong de she ji yu shi xian
zhang ling ling
Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Word Document Based on VB6.0
CHEN Jun-min
3G Mobile Sale Terminal Design and Realization
gao su gong lu kuo jian gong cheng ji shu tan tao
ma jing jing
ji yu java de ni he er ci han shu de she ji yu shi xian
zhang zuo
guan yu c yu yan cheng xu she ji jiao xue fen xi yu yan jiu
li su qin
Intelligent Base Station Power and Environment Monitoring System
ZHOU Dong-ming1;HE Wei-fen2
A Method to Process the Huge Logging Files of Serv-U
CUI Zhi-yun1;ZHANG Mei-xin2
2100 Aided Teaching Design and Practice Based on Win School
ZHOU Liu-Jun;SI Yuan-lei
The Analysis of Director into a Photoshop.psd File
MENG Xian-qi;LIANG-Ming
Research on Interactive Platform of Project-teaching
OU Jun1;PEI Yun1;2;BAI Xiao-bo1;CHEN Min1;2
ji yu flash8.0 duo mei ti ke jian zhong sheng yin de shi yong ji bo fang kong zhi
shen ying xiong gu dong xia
Temperature Monitoring System Design
Analysis and Research of Hospital Infection Control and Automatic Warning System
WANG Hao;GU Feng-jun;LI Yuan
3D Sstereo Technology of Animated Films
LI Hua-yong;LIU Ping;JI Hong-qiang
Analysis of Java Exception Handling
LIU Rui-ling1;GOU Hao-feng2;WANG Jun-di1
Virus Detection Based on Immune Principle Study
HE Wen-bin
Requirement Analysis of the General Websites for Medium and Small Scale Mechanism Companies
XIE Cong-hua;ZHU Yi-fei;KONG Chen-yan;ZHANG Qi-zhi
Probing the Security Problems of Machine Room of the University Computer Center
ZHOU Yong-ping1;HUANG Xia2
ji yu asp huan jing xia de web zhan dian she ji yan jiu
hong shun ji
An Association Explore Based on Decision Tree Algorithm
WANG Hui;HOU Chuan-yu
The Discuss about Software Fault Detection Technology and its Development
LIU Hui1;2;LI Rui2;JIAO Ge1
Motion Simulation of the Engine Based on Java and Cult3D Technology
ZHANG Yong-liang;ZHANG Wei;WU Gang
Research on Modified Diamond Search Algorithm
XIAO Min-lian
The Concordance of Struts2 and Hibernate in the Netbeans IDE
YI Wei-huan
The Design and Implementation of a Source Program Online Test System
WANG BIN-bin;HE Rong;BAO Pei-ming
wa jue ji shu qian li , gai shan asp de xing neng
guan li mei
Discuss on Teaching Reform in Object-Oriented Program Design
On the PLC Field Bus Technology
ZHANG Chuang
qian tan zhong xiao xue jiao shi xin xi ji shu pei xun
hu wei jun
Boson NetSim in the Teaching of Computer Network Engineering Application Research
DONG Si-yu;CHEN Li-yun;CAO Zhi-yi
Summary of Medical Data Mining
WANG Ju-qin
Computer Programming Language of the Curriculum Reform
ZHU Geng-shen
Intrusion Detection System NetDT Configuration
ZHA Ri-qiang
jian she ju you zhe jiang te se de zheng fu dian zi zheng wu
jin hai bin
ju yu wang tong xin xie yi pei zhi
wang peng
The Design and Realization of Enterprise Process Management System
XIAO Le-ping1;HUANG Hai-quan2
Java-based Research Network Programming
DENG Bo-tao
ji yu pc ji de ping wei da fen xi tong de she ji yu shi xian
yang qi yu
Design of Student Management System in Police Academy Based on ASP.NET
XU Xue-tian;YANG Ren-rong
wang luo guan li ji shu zhi cheng
meng qing xin
ji yu java de jian dan ji suan qi de she ji yu shi xian
ren kai
Analysis of the Vulnerability of WLAN Based on WEP
WANG Xiao-geng1;HAN Shao-jun2
qian xi ups gu zhang wei hu
tang hua jun
Abstract Concept of the Data Type of Multiple Angles Teaching Explore
XING Dan1;YAO Jun-ming1;LI Qun1;GAO Ting2
System Design of Portal
JI Ke-ke
How to Use EDA Software Improve Students’ Practical Ability
huang bing zhou tao lin zhu qing guo
qian tan ji suan ji wang luo fang yu
wu zhong xiao
guan yu c yu yan cheng xu she ji jiao xue de tan tao
fan hong mei
xin shi fu wu ji pi chu li shi xian ju yu wang xin xi tong xun
zhou jia dong
Multimedia Remote Monitoring System Design and Implementation
HUANG Ru-yang
The Study on Car Automation Security Control based on Embedded Microcontroller
MI Yan1;YU Zheng-yong2
codesmith generator zai .net xi tong kai fa zhong de ying yong
xie ri xing
Application Analysis Between AuthorWare and PowerPoint
YANG Li1;LI Yan-guo2
ying yong jiao xue fang fa zai office jiao xue zhong de shi yong
zhu yi ru
mian xiang zhong xiao qi ye de yun zhi zao ying yong
shen chao qun li dong fang
Based on Vc++ Teaching Website Design:Information the Design
LIU Xiao-meng
qian tan indesign zhong ke bian shu ju de pai ban
feng wen juan
Moodle Platform in the Application of Computer Network Course
WANG Hai-ying;WU Lei;XIAO Lei;YE Yong;JIAO Bing-lian
The Design of the System About High Interaction Honeypot in Network Security
TIAN Wang-lan1;ZHAO Zhuan-zheng2
The Application of Associated Data Mining on PLE Code
LI Xiang