A Remote Test System Based on B/S Architecture
shi xiu-jin1; cai yi-ni2(1.college of information science & technology; donghua university; shanghai 200051; china; 2.department of computer science and information engineering; shanghai institute of technology; shanghai 200235; china)
The Application and Research of VLAN in Campus
xu hua-xiang1?2; chen lin1(1.the department of computer science; suqian college; suqian city; suqian 223800; china; 2.the department of educational information technology; east china normal university; shanghai; 200062; china)
A Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Network
zhao yan1?2; deng hong-tao3(1.information and engineering institute; southern yangtze university; wuxi 214036; china; 2.computer engineering department; jiangsu college of information vocational technology; wuxi 214000; china; 3.electronic commerce department; business institute; suzhou university; suzhou 215006; china)
Brief Analysis in Network Application Research Study
zhu zi-qing1; yang jie2(1.yancheng health professional technology institute information center; yancheng 224001; china; 2.chinese people s liberation army zhengjiang boat and ship institute information center; zhengjiang 212003; china)