Preliminary Study of a Hybrid Helicon-ECR Plasma Source
A.M.HALA;L.OKSUZ;ZHU Ximing;The National Center for Applied Physics;Material Science Research Institute;King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology;Süleyman Demirel University;Science and Literature Faculty;Physics Department;Institute for Plasma and Atomic Physics;Ruhr University;
Analysis of Power Model for Linear Plasma Device
ZHANG Weiwei;DENG Baiquan;ZUO Haoyi;ZHENG Xianjun;CAO Xiaogang;XUE Xiaoyan;OU Wei;CAO Zhi;GOU Fujun;College of Physical Science and Technology or Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology;Sichuan University;Southwestern Institute of Physics;HOPE Innovations Inc.;