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Plasma Science and Technology
2014 Issue 9
Mode-Coupling Analysis of Parametric Decay Instability in Magnetized Plasmas
YUAN Yuan;JIANG Zhonghe;GUO Weixin;SUN Xinfeng;HU Xiwei;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Optical Emission Spectroscopy Analysis of the Early Phase During Femtosecond Laser-Induced Air Breakdown
LIU Xiaoliang;CAO Yu;WANG Xiaoshan;LIU Zuoye;GUO Zeqin;SHI Yanchao;SUN Shaohua;LI Yuhong;HU Bitao;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;
Benchmark Simulations of Gyro-Kinetic Electron and Fully-Kinetic Ion Model for Lower Hybrid Waves in Linear Region
LI Dehui;XIANG Nong;LIN Yu;WANG Xueyi;YANG Cheng;MA Jun;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for Magnetic Fusion Theory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Physics Department;206 Allison Laboratory;Auburn University;AL 36849-5311;USA;
Observation of Electron Energy Pinch in HT-7 ICRF Heated Plasmas
DING Siye;WAN Baonian;WANG Lu;TI Ang;ZHANG Xinjun;LIU Zixi;QIAN Jinping;ZHONG Guoqiang;DUAN Yanmin;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Investigation of Total Absorption of Radio Waves in High Latitude Ionosphere
SHI Jiankui;WANG Zheng;TAO Wei;G. A. ZHEREBTSOV;E. B. ROMANOVA;K. G. RATOVSKY;State Key Laboratory of Space Weather;NSSC/CAS;Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics;SB/RAS;Irkutsk 664033;Russia;
Spatial Evolution Study of EEDFs and Plasma Parameters in RF Stochastic Regime by Langmuir Probe
Djelloul MENDIL;Hadj LAHMAR;Laifa BOUFENDI;Centre de Développement des Technologies Avanees;20 aoǔt 1956;16303 Alger;Algeria;Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université d’Orléans;45067 Orléans cedex 02;France;
Typical Motion and Extinction Characteristics of the Secondary Arcs Associated with Half-Wavelength Transmission Lines
CONG Haoxi;LI Qingmin;XING Jinyuan;LI Jinsong;School of Electrical Engineering;Shandong University;Beijing Key Lab of High Voltage and EMC;School of Electric and Electronic Engineering;North China Electric Power University;State Key Lab of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources;North China Electric Power University;
Dynamic Characteristics of SF6-N2-CO2 Gas Mixtures in DC Discharge Process
ZHENG Dianchun;WANG Jia;CHEN Chuntian;ZHAO Dawei;ZHANG Chunxi;YANG Jiaxiang;Key Laboratory of Engineering Dielectrics and Its Application;Ministry of Education;Harbin University of Science and Technology;
Study on the Pulsed Flashover Characteristics of Solid-Solid Interface in Electrical Devices Poured by Epoxy Resin
LI Manping;WU Kai;YANG Zhanping;DING Man;LIU Xin;CHENG Yonghong;State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Institute of Electronic Engineering;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Research on the Peristaltic Flow Acceleration Performance of Asynchronous and Duty Cycle Pulsed DBD Plasma Actuation
LI Feng;GAO Chao;ZHENG Borui;WANG Yushuai;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerodynamic Design and Research;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Design of a Surface-Plasmon-Resonance Sensor Based on a Microstructured Optical Fiber with Annular-Shaped Holes
ZHU Yuanfeng;CHEN Mingyang;WANG Hua;ZHANG Yongkang;YANG Jichang;Department of Optical Engineering;School of Mechanical Engineering;Jiangsu University;Information and Communication Branch;Jiangxi Electric Power Corporation;State Grid;
Modeling Methods for the Main Switch of High Pulsed-Power Facilities Based on Transmission Line Code
HU Yixiang;ZENG Jiangtao;SUN Fengju;WEI Hao;YIN Jiahui;CONG Peitian;QIU Aici;State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;
Design of a Wedge-Shaped Toroidal Field Winding for KTX Device
ZHENG Jinxing;SONG Yuntao;YANG Qingxi;LIU Wandong;DING Weixing;LIU Xufeng;YANG Lei;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Physical Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;
Deposition Mitigation of the First Mirrors Exposed in EAST with Metal and Carbon Mixed Wall Materials
YAN Rong;CHEN Junling;CHEN Longwei;ZHU Dahuan;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on a Highly Stabilized Power Supply for Hybrid-Magnet Superconducting Outsert
WU Jinglin;LONG Jiaojiao;LIU Xiaoning;University of Science and Technology of China;High Magnetic Field Laboratory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;