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Plasma Science and Technology
2014 Issue 8
Analysis and Performance of the Thomson Scattering Diagnostics on HT-7 Tokamak Based on I-EMCCD
SHAO Chunqiang;ZHAO Junyu;ZANG Qing;HAN Xiaofeng;XI Xiaoqi;YANG Jianhua;CHEN Hui;HU Ailan;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effect of Equilibrium Current Profiles on External Kink Modes in Tokamaks
LIU Chao;LIU Yue;MA Zhaoshuai;Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser;Ion and Electron Beams;Ministry of Education;
Analysis of the Gas Puffing Performance for Improving the Repeatability of Ohmic Discharges in the SUNIST Spherical Tokamak
XIE Huiqiao;TAN Yi;KE Rui;WANG Wenhao;GAO Zhe;Department of Engineering Physics;Tsinghua University;
Gravitational Effects on Plasma Waves in Environment of Sun and Neutron Star
LU Quankang;ZHOU Hsiao-Ling;New Zealand University;Maori name: Te Wananga o Aotearoa;15 Canning Crescent;Mangere;Auckland;NZ;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Department of Physics;Fudan University;Department of Physics and Astronomy;Georgia State University;
Space Charge Transient Kinetic Characteristics in DC Air Corona Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure
LIU Xinghua;XIAN Richang;SUN Xuefeng;WANG Tao;LV Xuebin;CHEN Suhong;YANG Fan;State Grid Zibo Power Supply Company;State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company;State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute;State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology;Chongqing University;
The Spatial Effects of Antenna Configuration in a Large Area Inductively Coupled Plasma System for Flat Panel Displays
Seon-Geun OH;Young-Jun LEE;Jae-Hong JEON;Jong-Hyeon SEO;Hee-Hwan CHOE;School of Electronics;Telecommunication and Computer Engineering;Korea Aerospace University;Department of Material Science and Engineering;Korea Aerospace University;
Poly(Acrylamide-co-Acrylic Acid) Hydrogel Induced by Glow-Discharge Electrolysis Plasma and Its Adsorption Properties for Cationic Dyes
YU Jie;YANG Gege;PAN Yuanpei;LU Quanfang;YANG Wu;GAO Jinzhang;Gansu Key Lab of Bioelectrochemistry and Environmental Analysis;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Northwest Normal University;Editorial Department of Journal of Northwest Normal University;Northwest Normal University;
Synthesis of Poly(Butyl Methacrylate/Butyl Acrylate) Highly Absorptive Resin Using Glow Discharge Electrolysis
LI Yan;YAO Mengqi;LIAO Ruirui;YANG Wu;GAO Jinzhang;REN Jie;Chemistry & Chemical Engineering College;Northwest Normal University;Key Lab of Bioelectrochemtry & Environmental Analysis of Gansu;
Influence of Ionization Degrees on Conversion of CO and CO2 in Atmospheric Plasma near the Ground
PANG Xuexia;DENG Zechao;JIA Pengying;LIANG Weihua;College of Physics Science and Technology;Hebei University;Hebei Key Lab of Optic-electronic Information and Materials;
Implementation of Automatic Process of Edge Rotation Diagnostic System on J-TEXT Tokamak
ZHANG Zepin;CHENG Zhifeng;LUO Jian;WANG Zhijiang;ZHANG Xiaolong;HOU Saiying;CHENG Cheng;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Mechanical Analysis and Optimization of ITER Upper ELM Coil & Feeder
ZHANG Shanwen;SONG Yuntao;WANG Zhongwei;LU Su;JI Xiang;DU Shuangsong;LIU Xufeng;FENG Changle;YANG Hong;WANG Songke;LUO Zhiren;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Electromagnetic Analyses of ITER Lower ELM Right Bottom Corner
WANG Xianwei;XIE Fei;JIN Huan;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;The Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Shunde Polytechnic;
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Deposition and Damage on Tungsten Plasma-Facing Materials by Tungsten Dust
NIU Guojian;LI Xiaochun;DING Rui;XU Qian;LUO Guangnan;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;