Dielectronic Recombination of Br-Like Tungsten Ions
LI Maijuan;FU Yanbiao;SU Maogen;DONG Chenzhong;Koike FUMIHIRO;Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics & Functional Material of Gansu Province;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Northwest Normal University;Joint Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics;Northwest Normal University and Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Atomic and Molecular Data Research Center;National Institute for Fusion Science;
Effects of Atmospheric Pressure Air Plasma Pretreatment on the Seed Germination and Early Growth of Andrographis paniculata
TONG Jiayun;HE Rui;ZHANG Xiaoli;ZHAN Ruoting;CHEN Weiwen;YANG Size;Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicinal Resource from Lingnan;Ministry of Education;College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine;Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Fujian Key Laboratory for Plasma and Magnetic Resonance;Department of Aeronautics;School of Physics and Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Xiamen University;
Preliminary Design and Analysis of the DC Reactor for the ITER Converter
YANG Ning;ZHANG Ming;LI Chuan;SONG Zhiquan;YU Kexun;ZHUANG Ge;XU Tao;College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Finite Element Method Applied to Fuse Protection Design
LI Sen;SONG Zhiquan;ZHANG Ming;XU Liuwei;LI Jinchao;FU Peng;WANG Min;DONG Lin;College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center;
Design of Tokamak ELM Coil Support in High Nuclear Heat Environment
ZHANG Shanwen;SONG Yuntao;WANG Zhongwei;JI Xiang;E.DALY;M.KALISH;LU Su;DU Shuangsong;LIU Xufeng;FENG Changle;YANG Hong;WANG Songke;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;ITER Organization;Route de Vinonsur Verdon;13115 Saint Paul-lez-Durance;France;Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory;