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Plasma Science and Technology
2014 Issue 10
An Attempt to Study on the Growth and Damping Rates with Approximate Solutions by Using Mathematical Models
L. XAPLANTERIS;C. XAPLANTERIS;P. LEOUSIS;Plasma Physics Laboratory;IMS;NCSR "Demokritos";Athens;Greece;Hellenic Army Academy;Vari Attica;Greece;School of Physics;National and Kapodistrian University of Athens;Greece;Technical High School of Athens;Greece;
Estimates of EAST Operation Window with LHCD by Using a Core-SOL-Divertor Model
OU Jing;GAN Chunyun;YE Lei;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for Magnetic Fusion Theory;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
First Results of Pellet Injection Experiments on EAST
LI Changzheng;HU Jiansheng;CHEN Yue;LIANG Yunfeng;LI Jiangang;LI Jiahong;WU Jinhua;HAN Xiang;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute for Energy and Climate Research-Plasma Physics;Forchungszentrum Jlich GmbH;Association EURATOM-FZJ;Trilateral Euregio Cluster;52425 Jlich;Germany;
The Efficiency of Ion Stochastic Heating by a Monochromatic Obliquely Propagating Low-Frequency Alfven Wave
SUN Jicheng;GAO Xinliang;LU Quanming;WANG Shui;CAS Key Lab of Geospace Environment;Department of Geophysics and Planetary Science;University of Science and Technology of China;
A Simple Model for the Calculation of Plasma Impedance in Atmospheric Radio Frequency Discharges
GE Lei;ZHANG Yuantao;Shandong Provincial Key Lab of;UHV Technology and Gas Discharge Physics;School of Electrical Engineering;Shandong University;
Numerical Investigation of Flow Fields in Inductively Coupled Plasma Wind Tunnels
YU Minghao;Yusuke TAKAHASHI;Hisashi KIHARA;Ken-ichi ABE;Kazuhiko YAMADA;Takashi ABE;Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Kyushu University;Fukuoka 819-0395;Japan;Division of Mechanical and Space Engineering;Hokkaido University;Sapporo 060-8628;Japan;Institute of Space and Astronautical Science;Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency;Sagamihara 252-5210;Japan;
Electron Transport Coefficients and Effective Ionization Coefficients in SF6-O2 and SF6-Air Mixtures Using Boltzmann Analysis
WEI Linsheng;XU Min;YUAN Dingkun;ZHANG Yafang;HU Zhaoji;TAN Zhihong;School of Environmental & Chemical Engineering;Nanchang University;
Second Discharge Characteristics of Aluminum Wire Electrical Explosion Under Various Argon Pressures
YAN Wenyu;ZHANG Qiaogen;ZHAO Junping;CHEN Gangliang;LIU Longchen;School of Electrical Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Effect of Radio-Frequency and Low-Frequency Bias Voltage on the Formation of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Hadar MANIS-LEVY;Tsachi LIVNEH;Ido ZUKERMAN;Moshe H. MINTZ;Avi RAVEH;Department of Nuclear Engineering;Ben-Gurion University of the Negev;Beer-Sheva 84105;Israel;NRC-Negev;Beer-Sheva 84190;Israel;Advanced Coatings Center;Rotem Industries Ltd.;Mishor Yamin;D.N. Arava 86800;Israel;
Low Temperature Nitriding of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Using RF-ICP Method: the Role of Ion Beam Flux Density
WANG Qing;BA Dechun;MING Yue;XU Lin;GUO Deyu;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Northeastern University;
Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Laminated Glass Treated by Acid Etching Combined with Cold Plasma
LI Xibao;LU Jinshan;LUO Junming;ZHANG Jianjun;OU Junfei;XU Haitao;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Nanchang Hangkong University;
Structure and Mechanical Properties of CrTiAlN/TiAlN Composite Coatings Deposited by Multi-Arc Ion Plating
YAN Shaojian;TIAN Canxin;HUANG Zhihong;YANG Bing;FU Dejun;Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-Materials of Ministry of Education and School of Physics and Technology;Wuhan University;School of Power and Mechanical Engineering;Wuhan University;
Design of Digital Multi-Radian Phase Detector on J-TEXT
LI Jun;YANG Zhoujun;GAO Li;LIU Minghai;ZHUANG Ge;School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;
Rapid Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis and Design Optimization of ITER Upper ELM Coils
ZHANG Shanwen;SONG Yuntao;WANG Zhongwei;LU Su;JI Xiang;DU Shuangsong;LIU Xufeng;FENG Changle;YANG Hong;WANG Songke;LUO Zhiren;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Implementation of Computer Data Processing Software for EAST NBI
ZHANG Xiaodan;HU Chundong;SHENG Peng;ZHAO Yuanzhe;WU Deyun;CUI Qinglong;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Effects of Nonuniform Thermal Boundary Condition on Thermal Stress Calculation of Water-Cooled W/Cu Divertors
HAN Le;CHANG Haiping;ZHANG Jingyang;LIU Nan;XU Tiejun;College of Energy and Power Engineering;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Institute of Plasma Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;