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Plasma Science and Technology
2014 Issue 1
influence of the beam self-fields on the dispersion characteristics of em waves in a dielectric waveguide filled with plasma
XIAO Jixiong;CHEN Shixiu;TIAN Wei;CHEN Kun;School of Electrical Engineering;Wuhan University;
numerical and experimental investigation of electron beam air plasma properties at moderate pressure
DENG Yongfeng;TAN Yonghua;HAN Xianwei;Shaanxi Power Machine Design and Research Institute;Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology;
the single particle theory of backward-wave amplifications based on electron cyclotron maser with a rectilinear beam
JIANG Lina;WANG Hongyu;SUN Peng;School of Science;Liaoning University of Science and Technology;School of Science and Technology;Anshan Normal University;Shanghai Bright-Tech Information Technology Co. Ltd.;
plasma response to supersonic molecular beam injection in j-text
XIAO Jinshui;YANG Zhoujun;ZHUANG Ge;HU Qiming;FENG Xiande;LIU Minghai;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
best magnetic condition to generate hollow cathode glow plasma in high vacuum
ZHAO Xiaoling;CHEN Shixiu;CHEN Kun;CHEN Bokai;School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;School of Electrical Engineering;Wuhan University;
study on the generation characteristics of dielectric barrier discharge plasmas on water surface
LIU Wenzheng;LI Chuanhui;School of Electrical Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
the gas nucleation process study of anatase tio2 in atmospheric non-thermal plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
WU Maoshui;XU Yu;DAI Linjun;WANG Tiantian;LI Xue;WANG Dexin;GUO Ying;DING Ke;HUANG Xiaojiang;SHI Jianjun;ZHANG Jing;Department of Applied Physics;Donghua University;College of Material Science;Donghua University;Member of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research Center;Ministry of Education;Donghua University;
investigation of microwave surface-wave plasma deposited sio_x coatings on polymeric substrates
WANG Huan;YANG Lizhen;CHEN Qiang;Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Materials;Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication;
preparation of copper nanoparticles using dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure and its mechanism
DI Lanbo;ZHANG Xiuling;XU Zhijian;College of Physical Science and Technology;Dalian University;
properties of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition barrier coatings and encapsulated polymer solar cells
QI Lei;ZHANG Chunmei;CHEN Qiang;Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Material;Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication;
calculation of plasma radiation in electrothermal-chemical launcher
JIN Yong;LI Baoming;National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;
effect of cold plasma treatment on seed germination and growth of wheat
JIANG Jiafeng;HE Xin;LI Ling;LI Jiangang;SHAO Hanliang;XU Qilai;YE Renhong;DONG Yuanhua;Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation;Institute of Soil Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changzhou Zhongke Changtai Plasma Technology Corporation;Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Reclamation and Development Corporation;Agricultural Center of Jiangsu Xinyang Farm;
yield of h2o2 in gas-liquid phase with pulsed dbd
JIANG Song;WEN Yiyong;LIU Kefu;Institute for Electric Light Sources;Fudan University;
deposition of diamond-like carbon on inner surface by hollow cathode discharge
LI Shichao;HE Feng;GUO Qi;OUYANG Jiting;School of Physics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
deposition of polymer thin film using an atmospheric pressure micro-plasma driven by dual-frequency excitation
WANG Xiaomin;YUAN Qianghua;ZHOU Yongjie;YIN Guiqin;DONG Chenzhong;Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics & Functional Materials of Gansu Province;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Northwest Normal University;
parameter optimization for enhancement of ethanol yield by atmospheric pressure dbd-treated saccharomyces cerevisiae
DONG Xiaoyu;YUAN Yulian;TANG Qian;DOU Shaohua;DI Lanbo;ZHANG Xiuling;School of Life Science and Biotechnology;Dalian University;School of Physical Science and Technology;Dalian University;
enhanced work function of al-doped zinc-oxide thin films by oxygen inductively coupled plasma treatment
LI Zebin;WU Zhonghang;JU Jiaqi;HE Kongduo;CHEN Zhenliu;YANG Xilu;YAN Hang;OU Qiongrong;LIANG Rongqing;Department of Light Sources and Illuminating Engineering;Fudan University;Engineering Research Center of Advanced Lighting Technology;Ministry of Education;
study on the property evolution of atmospheric pressure plasma jets in helium
CHANG Zhengshi;YAO Congwei;MU Haibao;ZHANG Guanjun;State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment;School of Electrical Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;