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Plasma Science and Technology
2006 Issue 6
Energy Transformation in Mammalian Cell for Low Energy Ion Beam Impinging
DING Kejian;WU Lijun;WU Yuejin;YU Zengliang
Study of Genetics and Embryology of Polyembryonic Mutant of Autotetraploid Rice Induced by N+ Beam Implantation
DAI Ximei;HUANG Qunce;LI Guoping;HU Xiuming;QIN Guangyong;YU Zengliang
A Newly Developed Non-Destructive Tritium Measurement Technique. and Its Application to V-4Cr-4Ti Alloy
Structural Analysis of ITER Lower In-Vessel-Viewing Port
CAI Yingxiang;WU Songtao;YU Jie;LIU Changle
A 4m 2kA HTS Power Cable System
HOU Bo;BI Yanfang;WU Songtao;XI Haixia;YUAN Feng;XIN Ying;ZHANG Yong;DING Huaikuang;SHI Jing;ZHANG Jinsong
The Effect of High-Pressure Arc Discharge Plasma on the Degradation of Chlorpyrifos
YIN Meiqiang;MA Tengcai;ZHANG Jialiang;HUANG Mingjing;MA Buzhou
Comparison of Yeast Inactivation Treated in He, Air and N2 DBD Plasma
JIN Ying;REN Chunsheng;XIU Zhilong;WANG Dezhen;WANG Younian;YU Hong
The Energy Balance of Plasma in a Coaxial Plasma Opening Switch
XU Xiang;WANG Younian
Characteristics of Gliding Arc Discharge Plasma
LIN Lie;WU Bin;YANG Chi;WU Chengkang
Standing Ultrashort Relativistic Solitons in Overdense Plasmas
FANG Zongbao;SHEN Baifei;ZHANG Zhengquan
Identification and Analysis of Magnetic Structures on HL-2A
JI Xiaoquan;YANG Qingwei;FENG Beibin;ZHOU Hangyu;YUAN Baoshan;CHEN Wei;YANG Zhoujun
Optimization of Langmuir Probe System Parameters in a Stationary Laboratory Plasma
ZHU Ying;CAO Jinxiang;NIU Tianye;WANG Liang;WANG Yan;WANG Ge
Experimental Observation of the Edge and Divertor Plasma in HL-2A
HONG Wenyu;YAN Longwen;QIAN Jun;LI Qiang;PAN Yudong;LUO Cuiwen;XU Zhengyu;PAN Li;YANG Qingwei;HUANG Yuan
Oyster Shell Recycling and Bone Waste Treatment Using Plasma Pyrolysis
SO-FDTD Analysis of the Plasma Reflectance of Epstein Distribution
YANG Hongwei;ZHOU Yongchun;ZAN Yushun;CHEN Rushan
Surface Roughness of Various Diamond-Like Carbon Films
LIU Dongping;LIU Yanhong;CHEN Baoxiang
Experimental Studies of the Enhanced Heat Transfer from a Heating Vertical Flat Plate by Ionic Wind
YUE Yonggang;HOU Junping;AI Zhongliang;YANG Lanjun;ZHANG Qiaogen
A Study of the Aging of α-Al2O3 Dielectric Material in DBD Plasma
LIU Cheng;ZHANG Zhitao;ZHU Xiaofeng;YIN Yan
Influence of Target Temperature on Cemented Carbides for Dual Ion Implantation
ZHAO Qing;LI Hongfu;TONG Honghui
Spectrum Diagnosis for Fuchsia Plume of Hall Effect Thruster with Xenon as Propellant
YU Daren;DING Jiapeng;DAI Jingmin
The Influence of Medium on Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker Arcs
YANG Qian;RONG Mingzhe;Anthony B. MURPHY;WU Yi
Influence of Gap Distance on Vacuum Arc Characteristics of Cup Type AMF Electrode in Vacuum Interrupters
CHENG Shaoyong;XIU Shixin;WANG Jimei;SHEN Zhengchao
Generation and Distribution of Fast Atomic Species(N+, Nf) in Nitrogen Glow Discharge
ZHANG Lianzhu;YU Wei;HAN Li;ZHAO Zhanqiang;FU Guangsheng