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Geographical Research
2013 Issue 9
ji yu hasm de sheng ji chi du qi hou yu zhi bei sheng tai xi tong mo ni fen xi
DU Zhengping;FAN Zemeng;YUE Tianxiang;State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environment Information System;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;
ji yu tou ru chan chu fa de jing hu sheng chan xing fu wu ye bi jiao
FU Chengwei;TANG Zhipeng;LI Yucheng;Guanghua School of Management;Peking University;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;
bai yang dian hu zhao shi di xi tong jing guan ge ju yan bian ji qu dong li fen xi
BAI Junhong;FANG Jingsi;HUANG Laibin;DENG Wei;LI Ainong;KONG Bo;State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation;School of Environment;Beijing Normal University;Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;CAS;
ji yu jie gou fang cheng mo xing de yi chan lv you di wang zhan ying xiao lu jing yi zhong guo shi jie yi chan di guan fang wang zhan wei li
ZHANG Weiya;TAO Zhuomin;CAI Bifan;WEI Hongyan;College of Geographical Science;Nanjing Normal University;Department of Tourism Management;Jinling Institute of Technology;
wang ying yuan shi huo guo ji di mao xue jia lian he hui rong yu hui yuan cheng hao
chen zhong yuan ; zhang yong zhan ;
ji yu san wei sheng tai zu ji mo xing you hua de zi ran zi ben li yong guo ji bi jiao
FANG Kai;GAO Kai;LI Huancheng;Institute of Environmental Sciences;Leiden University;College of Environment and Resources;Jilin University;Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Science;
1644-2009 nian huang he zhong you han lao xu lie zhong jian yu te zheng zhen duan
ZHANG Jian;MAN Zhimin;XIAO Weiwei;SHEN Zhenzhou;Research Institute for History of Northwest China;Northwest University;Center for Historical Geography Studies;Fudan University;Center for Agricultural Resources Research;Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology;CAS;Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research;YRCC;MWR;
21 shi ji yi lai zhong guo cheng zhen hua dong li ji zhi fen xi
WEI Ye;XIU Chunliang;SUN Pingjun;School of Geographical Sciences;Northeast Normal University;
nian dai ji chi du hai an yan hua ji zhi yu dong li tong ji jian mo fang fa
LI Guosheng;LIAO Heping;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;School of Geographic Science;Southwest University;
zhong guo zhi zao ye fen bu de di li bian qian yu qu dong yin su
SHI Minjun;YANG Jing;LONG Wen;Denis Yehua WEI;School of Management;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Research Center on Fictitious Economy & Data Science;CAS;Department of Geography;University of Utah;
zhong guo ju min shi jian de li yong te zheng ji qi ying xiang yin su fen xi
XUE Dongqian;LIU Xi;ZHOU Huifen;College of Tourism and Environment;Shaanxi Normal University;
xin jiang xia ji jiang shui shi kong fen bu de shi yong xing ping gu
FAN Binbin;LUO Geping;ZHANG Chi;HU Zhengyun;LI Chaofan;WANG Yuangang;Bai Lei;Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Science;
han jiang liu yu ndvi yu shui re zhi shu shi kong bian hua ji xiang guan xing fen xi
LI Xiaoyan;REN Zhiyuan;ZHANG Chong;College of Tourism and Environment;Shaanxi Normal University;School of History and Tourism;Shaanxi University of Technology;
lun cheng shi hua de kong jian gong ju xiao ying
JIN Fengjun;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;
xian xia shi jian yue shu dui zhong shan ling jing qu guo nei ke yuan shi chang kong jian jie gou de ying xiang
LIU Zehua;GU Zongxin;WANG Nannan;LI Haitao;GU Jianghui;Department of Land Resource and Tourism Sciences;Nanjing University;School of Jinling;Nanjing University;Department of Renewable Resources;University of Alberta;Administration Bureau of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum Scenic Area;
zhong guo cheng shi tu di kuo zhang yu ren kou zeng chang xie diao xing yan jiu
YANGYanzhao;FENG Zhiming;ZHAO Yande;YOU Zhen;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;College of Resources and Environment;Linyi University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
2005-2009 nian san jiang yuan zi ran bao hu qu sheng tai bao hu he jian she gong cheng sheng tai cheng xiao zong he ping gu
SHAO Quanqin;LIU Jiyuan;HUANG Lin;FAN Jiangwen;XU Xinliang;WANG Junbang;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;
zhong guo shang shi qi ye zong bu de qu wei fen bu he ji ju te zheng
PAN Fenghua;LIU Zuoli;XIA Yabo;MO Kaifeng;School of Geography;Institute of Urban and Regional Planning;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Municipal Institute for Economic and Social Development;